Sixty-nine years and nine months ago, a Mongrel Monstrosity birthed Me! Delighted in consistently confusing Me. First loving me, then immediately hating ME!
"MY LORD FROM ZION" was one of her favorite refrains. Why? Who was s/he fooling? I certainly can understand why s/he remains a "secret" to many. Not so much as "secret", as something We, don't talk about, don't think about, and damn sure don't do anything about.
It seems I may have wasted the last fifty years of my life attempting to "stop" the practice of white supremacy. Ridiculous! People do what they damn please.People do what is convenient , not what is right.
Jesus said if your right eye offend you, pluck it out. martha jane walters was my right eye. Not only do I pluck her stanking ass out! I am stomping on it! World, that low whore .... there exists no words to express how horrid that wo/man always was.
If you want to know a person, look at their fruit, their deeds. Do know, old demon possessed martha was brilliant enough in her disgusting , diabolical talents, to teach Us, We were her fruit. Nobody taught that lying slut that, but, satan!
satan is the only demon force that can keep you ignorant of such "beings" . Shun the very presence of evil. Don't go dragging demons to Church every Sunday! Don't ever believe you can be kind enough. No, you can turn the other cheek and carry their cloak if you want to. Not I! I , for one, am exceedingly glad that stanking whore finally died!
Don't fear her, don't fear them.
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Sunday, March 7, 2021
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