Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Thank You LORD!
Yes, I am praising You LORD!
Thanking only You LORD!
The Mysterious , Unknown, REALM of Perfect Righteousness
I say Yea, now as I delight, re-energize, re-claim , all the Blessings that dead unrepentant slut , sneakily, slyly, stealthly, stole from me, stole from my Entire family,
I say Yea!
Glad your stanking, lying, whorish, root working, sadistic, jealous, envious, coonish, uncle tom, bulldagging , fake preaching, greedy ass, is finally dead!
Picture Me dancing, stanking lying hoe!
You knew you had to reap!
You thought you would not care, because you never cared
You never cared about Anyone, EVER!
In Eighty-Eight years!
Did You think you would be able to terrorize Me, Us, forever?
"I can't unring that bell!"
No, but you can apologize!
Stanking Bitch!
Just how fucking dumb was I supposed to be, and for how long?
Yea, your shit is in the wind, now!
Your demonic Tea, your Home brew is spilled all over the Internet !
I spilled it
Yea, I done tol'it!
Remember when I graduated from college with HONORS!
On time!
A virgin , so, I falsely believed because you had your black , brute, apish husband raping Me when I was eight years!
Remember? Dis-remember? Try to scrub my brain with your sick, demonic lies!
Fuck You , Dead Ass, lying ass , scummy slut!
You should not have Murdered ROME WALTERS!
You were wrong!
You should have repented
You should have repented, at least apologized
You should not have robbed him
You damn sure should not have hated him
It is sad how a putrid wo/man like you, demands to be loved on the strength of her skin color and hair texture
Wo/man , No one is that Stupid!
That hard up!
That desperate!
That thirsty!
You should not have deliberately sullied Rome Walters' good name
You did!
You sat your lazy, yalla, stankin' ass , on my granddaddy's porch,
lazy as a dog, didn't wash any dishes, didn't sweep one damn floor
But, your lazy, coon-ish, conning ass was johnny on the spot when it came to birthing your own slaves!
Yes, your old whorish ass sat on your daddy's porch and got pregnant every single year for ten years!
Low 'hoe!
Low 'hoe!
Low 'hoe!
You got mad with GOD!
Decided to use conjure to keep everything even, to keep you invisible, cloaked in the "closet"
You pretended your yalla ass was "white", deserved "white privileges"
Did you really falsely believe you were smarter than Almighty GOD?
Now you know
I highly Rebuke You!
I highly Rebuke your implanted voodoo!
I highly Rebuke your kind
Ignorant, color struck imps!
ROT stanking hoe as I BEAM!
Monday, March 8, 2021
Monday, March 8, 2021
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