BEAMING! Shining! Feeling Awesome, finally permitting my "Soul" to Shine!
Exhaling! Exclaiming Glory! Humbled! Yes, this World is cold, cruel, heartless, "dog eat dog". So?
No matter your personal abuser's excuse, pay that whore no mind. Fix yourself! Love yourself. If you were deliberately born into the clutches of a hopeless Maggot/Faggot. Know that, accept that horrid shit , just as soon as you can.
Now, flee! "Get thee hence!" Please stop wasting your time trying to save the un-saveable. Some people are Not worthy! Please do not feel compelled to extend a hand to wo/men like my birth-er.
If you fail to recognize how that mongrel, racist trimp, has not thoroughly demonstrated , how far the Church has drifted away from The Spirit of Christ, righteousness, love and Truth telling, you don't want to know.
You can keep fighting your "Race War", if you so desire to live out your entire life in entire ignorance.
Yes, I do thank mjw, trimp and all trimp-ets for their unending persecution. Why? I have been made strong! Much wiser. Yes, I've learned a lot pure fighting , struggling against trimps for my entire long life
That bottom faggot I accidentally married, never thought me too Black , or too masculine. That was the venom he spewed because my GOD given gifts made him feel as inadequate as he was.
The low, illiterate lazy whore, thought I was too smart, too alert, too intelligent.
Yes, fuck him! Lying whore, always playing Church, "ushering", carrying a Bible he never read, could not read if forced to. If the dumb lazy, lying, jealous, envious, ignorant whore, ever bothered to read his Bible , his dumb ass would have known he could be Gay!
You can read the Book, or you never have to read the Book. Nothing is going to change GOD's Word! (HIS) Promises.
Standing flat footed on the Word of GOD! BEAMING! REDEEMED!
Having a Great and Beautiful Day, dancing on the grave of one sick, sadistic, diabolical, ignorant, lazy, lethargic dead imp!
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
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