No, I don't know how [HE] knows, all I know is, [HE] knows. Not only does GOD know, GOD will fix it! The HOLY SPIRIT shall fix everyone of "them".
"them", volunteer maggots, imps, so depraved and sadistic, they actually, openly brag about being the hateful scum, they are.
No, Our War is Not racial. This repugnant shit is Spiritual. It is fake, however. It is a choice. It is Free Will. martha jane walters deliberately chose to be a viper, vermin., For EIGHTY-EIGHT YEARS!
Why? Lazy! Common! Perverted! Racist! Selfish! Most of all, not chosen. A vessel unacceptable to GOD.
World, do know, this low whore knew this. Rather than improving, rather than exercising any form of discipline, old low whore, promiscuous, incestuous, pedophile, mathy jane, chose to be an Ogre! A rapist! A fe/male brute! A Primitive Tribalist!
Wait, before you pretend to faint, or pretend to be astonished, at least twenty-five percent of fe/males are just like my birth-er. Rather than scorning me, please listen and learn. Keep your eyes open, these whores are sneaky.
No, I ain't nothing but a gangster, a Warrior, an Amazon WoMan. Yes, I will fuck your ass up! No, I will Not turn the other cheek or carry your coat two miles!
Why? Because all of you demons, just like trimp and mjw, are full of evil, demonic, Sadistic Shit!
If All persecuted people , that do outnumber you scumbags, are fine with persecution, let them.
Not only is this a Spiritual War, it is a personal one. Dear Children of The Most High GOD, do not waste one more second of your precious life, trying to save anyone , that is more interested in destroying You, stealing Your JOY, than they are in Healing themselves.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Sunday, April 18, 2021
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