AWESOME times three!
You are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Look at Me!
Raised up from my bed of Affliction!
From my deathbed!
Rescued from martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoreaux's
ReConnecting to this Realm!
Dancing on that dead slut's unrepentant grave!
The DEAD SLUT and all of her minions and flying monkeys!
martha was satan's bottom bitch, the lowest whore that ever secretly, worshiped him.
martha worshiped satan in clever, cunning, brilliant secrecy, because s/he was always a coward
and because s/he knew s/he was wrong!
martha jane walters was a sick Dog for eighty-eight years!
Was never wrong,
could never be corrected,
Correct or attempt to advise that slut if you wanted to,
her bludgeoning would be swift and repetitive!
martha was a sick dog !
A sick dog that should have been locked up or executed by age eight!
People refusing to acknowledge what a human maggot martha always was, does not change anything!
It is Mockery! It is fear, terror, a serious lack of Faith!
The fact that low whore blasted, spewed, her demonic bullshit on me, in my face;
"Don't piss on my grave when I'm dead!"
How could such a repugnant thought cross my mind?
I never wiped my ass in a letter and mailed it to you!
Not only did you do that (stanking whore), you bragged about it!
Yet, remained too cowardly to admit it to Me!
Swore like a fucking fool I had lost My mind!
No, you are the one that lost your mind!
As you should have.
Of all the horrible , unspeakable acts, you delighted in committing, for your sole sadistic pleasure, for Eighty-eight Years, robbing and Murdering J Rome Walters, is not one of them.
You finally let your "white privilege" take you too far.
Go on and ROT!
I am Dancing, Floating on air, ain't touching ground nowhere!
Saturday, April 9, 2021
Saturday, April 9, 2021
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