Seriously, I need to know. I demand to know how, why, when can a volunteer imp, a psychotic, sadistic, malignant narcissist, control anyone beyond the grave?
It can Not be done. It won't be done "ova'here".
"Be Gone satan!" Be gone nasty wo/men too proud to ever admit the slightestest Truth, about anything.
No, martha, you certainly never, ever wanted your "Past" known, repeated or whispered. But, you damn sure never felt any urge to apologize, repent or make amends.
Yes, you clearly belonged to satan. Thanks for proving it wasn't worth it. Look at all you gave up, lost, attempting to cause misery. All because you were always too white to be wrong. "Too white to be wrong." How fucking ridiculous!
Sure, you always played the role of a brutal, vicious, slut but, when it came time to die, you had no courage.
No more sneaky decoys, no more ridiculous excuses. Certainly no more feigned, homemade religion.
Who is to stop you? GOD!
Monday, April 19, 2021
Monday, April 19, 2021
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