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Prince - Whole Lotta Love (Live At The Aladdin, Las Vegas, 12/15/2002)

AWESOME! I am stunned! I am astonished ! Prince was hip to Alpha Blondy years and years before I discovered him.
No one could ever give my "birther"  enough love. Yes, my "mother" martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoreaux was an extremely greedy, immoral wo/man,  that did sincerely believe s/he was gifted with demonic powers. Demonic powers that s/he had a right to use because s/he was ;"light bright and damn near white!"

What does that have to do with being demonic? Who has all the money? If you could pre-select your "race", pigmentation and status before birth, what would you be? If you say Black, you are a damn liar or an idiot.

Yes World,  my "mother" shared trimp's personality, clear down to the pathological lying, thievery and sexual perversion. Both enjoyed committing the most despicable , depraved acts against innocent children un-known to most in mankind.   Both demand silence,love and loyalty. 

Yes, both are demon spawn. The absolute fact is, most people are demon spawn. Most human are still primitive, selfish, carnal and intellectually challenged.

So? We, I, you don't have to tolerate hue-mans that make Us miserable. I am still somewhere between rage and balling up i a fetal position. martha jane walters was NEVER a good person! The low, savage , sadistic , ignorant,  sick demented slut , NEVER even came close.  So, why was s/he an ordained pastor? BECAUSE IT IS ALL BULLSHIT!  IT IS ALL COMPLETE FUCKERY!

While We are arguing, fighting , warring over skin color and "religion" the One Percent horde Ninety-nine percent of the wealth.  No, the World doesn't seem to know or care.  Wrong assumption. I always tried to end racism, foolish myths concerning the influence of melanin on character.  All to know avail because of ignorant imps and mongrel monstrosities like my "mother".

Again, We all have Free Will. I shall love the people I love! I shall continue to read, study, pray and seek his face. But, there is one thing I vow, that maggot , that spineless imp that took both the cars and did everything in his power to destroy my whole life,  shall  not run back into My life thirty-six years too late, talking about "Daddy".

"Daddy",  what you faggot! ?

Old , lying , miserable,  hand picked reprobate, go back where you been and don't you ever refer to My daughter as yours again. the only thing you successfully contributed to my daughter  was your sperm and Trauma. No, I was not being "petty" when I refused to acknowledge your public bullshit. .I was being polite.  

You are nothing now, you were nothing then. Why? You are insanely jealous. You are envious. You are ignorant! You are primitive, you are a color struck racist. (I'm Too BLACK, remember.) You are a Blessing blocker. You are a closet homosexual. If you can't be honest with yourself about your proclivities you are still the messed up pathological liar you have always been.

No,I do not expect you to change, just steer clear.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


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