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Donny Hathaway - We Need You Right Now Lord

Dear LORD, Thank You for sending me this song, right now.

Awwwwwwww! I am surely humbled beyond my ability to describe or express. I do want to take this opportunity to declare to this World, I "knew" all the time.  I always knew, I knew from birth mjw was nothing but a snake, a poisonous viper,  out to slay me.  A dark , black, omnious cloud hovering over my head, matching every step I took, A "thang" with enough "purposeful deceit" to block every move I made.

  Yes LORD , I have always felt your presence ardently, vigilantly, protecting (ME, Us)  from all of her hurt harm and danger.   While many scoffed me, I (We) endured.

From my earliest memory,  I knew that "wo/man" to be a MONSTER!   Something unreal! Some mysterious evil , dispatched from the bowels of Hell! An "INhuman-hue-man"!   A Hue-man Maggot! A demonic knot on a log.  Pure torment encapsulated in a hue-man body.A wo/man as common as any maggot with not one shred of decency in her body, ever. 

I not only witnessed her vile, savage brutality, I was often the victim.

Was I always cautious and careful around her? You bet'chu. mjw could not be trusted, ever, by anyone in Eighty-Eight Years. The "puzzlement", the confusion stems from that low, psychotic slut's demands that everyone be sitting up in a Church (Wesley Chapel A.M.E. Zion, Wade, NC) every **********ing Sunday!

Why? Why bitch? What the fuck were you trying to prove? You weren't trying to prove shit! Yo'low ass was in there to "Show Off"! You wanted to prove to those wagging tongues,  that you were finally successful. You wanted to gloat! Your low , common, fertile, get pregnant eva'year ass, wanted to laud your First Sargent "huzband", new long sleek car, Mink stoles, Fox furs , Lizard skin shoes (and matching purse), Kid gloves , ova'dem Wade niggas!

Them same black ass  niggers, always talking about you behind your back, calling you ; "Comman as bat shit".  "Common as bat shit" because you stole money from your own Daddy! Pretending to be attending Virginia Union University, taking your Daddy's hard earned Tobacco money.

No, you never cared, never apologized, just raged with them "Wade niggers" for telling on you. Told or untold, dumb slut, you still did it!

So, you really thought your fake ass, dramatic, over the top , "Clowny" entertaining preaching , was the solution.  Well, that is tragic.

Martha! You were the one wrong, you had no reason to hate the people talking about you. How could anyone (of the any intelligence) not talk about you?  You bludgeoned small animals as a child! Did you think lying, fiercely denying, deliberately vilifying those that had enough courage to admonish you was the correct solution?

Why? How could you demand secrecy from sick , demonic acts,  you did in the open?  Did you really believe the fact that you "birthed" us was justification for your unending atroscities ? Did you think "serving", fake preaching, pretending to be the exact opposite of what you were, was the solution? 

Why didn't you just stop? You were a preacher, why didn't your low common ass just pray? Yes, you could have prayed for real! You knew that. You just loved being common. Common ass whore, you should have repented or had the courage to admit that you were a "homemade witch", a jealous color struck ignoramus!  A jealous, sick, perverted NYMPHOMANIAC !

No, you didn't repent, you didn't give up your perversions, simply because you didn't want to. You never had the slightest desire or unkscion.

All that is cool but, I flat refuse to honor your putrid dead ass! Not only that, I refuse to associate or identify with people that still hold you in high esteem.  mjw, anyone that still loves or fears you dead ass is beyond my ability to love, assist or frankly to care about.

Sunday, July 4, 2021


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