BEAMING! Joy bell ringing off the hook! My greatest enemy, finally dead! AWESOME! Yes, LORD you are AWESOME! YOU are everything my GrandFather promised Me You were.
Thank YOU LORD for saving Me! I must admit to swooning. Yes, while I know and always knew that YOU had My back. That mjw was no more than a common maggot! Pitiful! Too common to be discussed . Too terrifying to shun. Yes, World, My "birther" was Legion.
The story of Legion as told in Scripture , was chained! Put away! Lived in a cave. Yet, remained fierce. Shamefully, the hue-man that birthed me was as evil, as out of control, as fierce, as Legion. However, mjw was far worse. s/he was LOOSE! No tethers. No chains. And very little resistance.
We knew. Well, at least I knew. We all knew s/he was as fucked up as any person could be. But, for some reason , We had mad love for her. Everyone that ever knew her declared their love. The problem, mjw could not be satisfied and she was a PERVERT!
No lie, the wo/man was COMMON! Common as any Blowfly Maggot! It is what it is! If more people actually read the Bible, wo/men like mjw would catch some resistance, finally.
No one has to honor anyone simply because they are kin or claim to love and cherish them. LOOK AT THEIR FRUIT! Their DEEDS. I have to say deeds, actions, because my low slut birther taught Us, that We were her Fruit! Lying , stanking SLUT! s/he knew s/he was Lying! s/he knew s/he was DEMON POSSESSED!
The low 'ho dead now!
Wonderful Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Wonderful Wednesday, August 18, 2021
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