MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! My LORD Jesus Christ! Thank You Heavenly Father for snatching Me, rescuing me, from a wo/man so HORRID, so Foul, so disgustingly immoral , people see me and flee.
Do they falsely believe my excruciating pain is communicable, contagious? Is My life struggle so disgusting few want to know?
World, I am the "messenger", not the menace. I am the Truth Teller, not the notorious pathological liar. I am the "Critical Thinker", not the dumb impish "slave" martha jane walters birthed me to be.
World, what have you to say? I have seventy years of GOD"s anointing, (HIS) protection, as positive proof, GOD is Good!
Poor foolish martha born in an era when "white skin" was premium, "good hair" was called "Jesus Grass", that horrid volunteer whore soon wasted into the most notorious , psychotic, sadistic, Incestuous/Pedophile this World knows very little about.
Well World, here I am exhaling, standing tall, head up and just as proud as I can be! True, satan's lowest concubine did die unrepentant, proud, boasting of how s/he single handed, with the help of her demonic voodoo , destroyed Me! Destroyed Rome Walters, successfully stole his mantel, preached his sermons, shot him dead in the head and got away.
First of all, s/he never got away. Not one day in eighty-eight years did that false "Christian", that mongrel monstrosity wearing fine raiment, up preaching in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, ever get away with anything.
It was just a matter of time before the horrid world of disgusting treachery martha built, finally be revealed. While martha jane walters skillfully "Cherry picked" the Bible to impress and pick the pockets of her fellow man , GOD knew.
Yes, "GOD sits high and looks low." "What is done in the dark shall surely come to light." We shall all get our just and honest due on this planet Earth."
*********THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*********
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
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