Yes, I am on my bended knees, CHOSEN, grateful, Redeemed, Anointed Dear LORD!
Yes! You are Awesome LORD! How can I thank You? By Truth Telling! No, not preaching, TRUTH TELLING, to a dying , a Lying World. A World where Anti-Intellectualism and Racial Hatred reign. Hatred and Ignorance is Glorified! The the politicians WE elect to protect us are just as racist, greedy, and uncaring, as the Lunatics they claim they are doing their best to protect US from.
Horse Pucky! The greedy 1% have fallen so low, they want IT All. They shall get IT, too. They have the best formula; Predatory Racism, target all people of color. Keep the stupidest "crackers" happy. The racist can not lose as long as the lowest white man fails to realize he is being used.
The lowest white wo/man is no more than a house servant for the rich, the lowest negro, is their dog.
Yes, LORD a very Horrid wo/man did in fact Stalk every step I made for sixty-two years. While I did have to call that Monster, that volunteer Monstrosity , "Mother", our war was Spiritual,Always. "Blood" had nothing to do with IT.
mjw hated ALL TRUTH TELLERS for Eighty-eight years (Eighty-seven years, eleven months and twenty-three days). Why? s/he was a Pathological LIAR! The dumb whore would lie when the truth was in her favor.
Again, why? JEALOUSY! ENVY! Plus s/he was poorly educated. Was in fact a Con Artist, a Root Worker, a closet prostitute and a closet Lesbian.
Again , why? All I know, GOD told me to always tell on her, to always reveal people like her. I always have, and I have always been made to suffer. Cool! At least I can still hold My head up. I can still look in the mirror.
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