(A deep conversation with Myself!)
"All I know, is all I know." I know my "birther" was satan! World, that wo/man named martha jane walters was a Horrid Whore of the lowest order! Scum! A maggot! A Mongrel Monstrosity!
Ironically, the total reason s/he managed to escape man's punishment. Please notice I said man's punishment, IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER!
GOD stopped that 'ho when (HE) got ready!
GOD knows , GOD sees, GOD moves! Praise the LORD!
Yes World, that low whore and my imprisoned brothers had Me forty-eight hours from total homelessness! Yes, that low "egg sucking, stray, mangy dog for satan " had Me bound! Bound for Sixty-two years! There was nothing We created, worked hard to earn , that that low, sneaky viper didn't come and destroy with a vengence .
All the while grinning in Our faces, setting Us up for satan's captivity. Trying to force Us into prostitution because s/he was proud to be one. Forcing narcotics on Us to keep US confused and defeated.
Low, ravenous, immoral, corrupt and demon possessed. Not a place anyone wants to be. So, why preach? Of all the victims you dragged to church for endless hours every Sunday, you should have left me home.
I read the Book! GrandDADDY put the Book in My hand. How ironic, you shot him in the heart , revenge for your sins. According to you, granddaddy and I were the cause of your pain, your lousy, fake life .
So, you demanded retribution. Tried to sic satan on us. Well , it Backfired!
So the low whore thought! Wo/man! There is no way you ever believed some ***** dirt you dug up from a murdered man's grave could ever harm Me!
Yes, We all knew you were a clever cretin, a low whorish creep addicted to witchcraft and fake phony preaching. Well, that was your choice. I choose to rebuke you, you and every creature just like you!
*********THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*********
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
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