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I Get Lifted

BEAMING! Straight floating on The HOLY SPIRIT! Saved! Rescued from a hue-man viper so vile,  most people fear Me; "The Messenger" for having the temerity to attempt to reveal the sick whore.

Yes World, I have devoted over sixty-seven years of My Life to struggling for My Life because I was born into the clutches of satan's bottom bitch, his lowest , foul, maggot concubine.  A low whore, so fallen s/he refused to ever even try to get up.  

Yes World, the low whore knew s/he was wrong but s/he loved being wrong, being a savage , sadistic Pervert than s/he did GOD.  No World, that wo/man that wore My "mother's"skin for Eighty-Eight years , had zero interest in GOD, the Gospel, Jesus !

Yes that "thang" that fooled so many far too long pure hated The HOLY GHOST! So!?

That "thang" claimed her robe cost five thousand dollars, her gold chains worth a mint. So?! s/he was never more than that HORRID little girl that smashed puppies between bricks as a small child.

For what ever reason "mathy jane" grew up believing the terror s/he so relished in her victim's defeated eyes, power.

Yes, that wo/man martha jane walters purely rotted on this Good Earth for Eighty-Eight years.  So?! Rebuke her!

That thang that dared to mock GOD, stood flat footed  and demanded to force every life s/he deliberately corrupted,  to follow her into captivity.

For seventy years I have been forced to suffer excruciating pain,  needlessly! Ridiculous! World, I am not as rare as you fellow "immoralist" pretend.  Yes, We occupy a World where the "THOTS" (That "Ho Out There) are ruling. Ruling cruelly ,  savagely, thoroughly.  Unrepentant! Up mocking GOD with a vengeance. But , Not Forever!!!

Mad! Yes, the low whores for satan are mad! Raging! Growling! Stalking! Harassing! Raping! Robbing! All under the banner of some Church's so called anointing.  Well, let me go on record ; I , Rachel Gwendolyn Doster , vehemently Rebuke and Reject said Church; (The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Simon Temple on Yadkin Road in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in particular.)

Seriously! What has become of the "Church"? What kind of Church leaders permit a known "root working", Jezebel, prostituting, murdering, incestuous/pedophile whore , "preach" over them for over thirty years?

People, imps and simps , the blind, cripple and crazy, just like her. ("rev." martha jane walters)

Jesus told Us to "shun the very presence of evil".  Yet, We find Ourselves in captivity , drowning in a World of far too many sick, sadistic, soothe sayers , like my "mother".

GOD said No!

Sunday, October 24, 2021


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