AWESOME!!! I don't know what you know, you don't know what I know but, I KNOW GOD IS GOOD! "Sho'nuff is!" Say that ethnic phrase with me , please.
"Sho'nuff is"; is much more than a mere statement of fact, it is a genuine feeling! It is an anointing, a private club, a blessed haven. It is a place of experience, much too often a place of excruciating pain.
First thing, do not look to any hue-man being for help. HELP YOURSELF! Pray! (Don't prey and run to some church every time the door opens in an attempt to silence your detractors, critics and GOD"s anointed. )
It can't be done! It won't be done. Every one that is a slave to fear, terror and weak faith , deserve the life they tolerate, accept. Looking back over my long, blessed life, I am humbled! Amazed! Yet, some how I always knew. WE (my GrandFather and I) , always knew. No, We didn't want to believe it , though we lived "It", sacrificed for the sake of "peace" and endured her.
World! I'm telling you, if you ever run into a hue-wo/man spirit like the dreaded "mathy jane"... RUN!!!
Do NOT practice "Slave Christianity"! Divest of that racist, hate filled smut! Think critically! There is absolutely no excuse for a wo/man as HORRID as martha jane walters , roaming, slithering on this good Earth for Eighty-eight years, skillfully pretending,maniacal and munipulative , and No one so much as mumble.
People actually, seriously afraid of that "homemade creature", that cruel coward, that fake ass preacher/root worker!
No, something is wrong. Something has gone wrong in The Body of Christ! People giving up the right for the wrong , by the zillions. I am hated and criticized by my fellow victims for refusing to lie for that low whore!
Well bye! If I got to lie and pretend that lying skank, that pathologically jealous, envious imp, was not satan wearing my "mother's" skin...forget all of you!
I'm standing flat footed on the Truth! That wo/man named martha jane walters was HORROR UNLEASHED! Honor her if you want to.
I flat refuse! I Honor GOD in word and deed!
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
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