Ova' here having a funky good time dancing on another unrepentant, fake Christian , ordained pastor's dead ass grave. Fake Eastern Star, fake wife,fake sister,fake daughter, fake mother, fake pastor, fake friend.
Racist, color struck, ignorant, demon possessed, pathological lying, thieving, immoral, sadistic , psychotic fe/male dog!
World, how? How could such a creature stalk, confuse, constrain, make miserable, so many people, (secretly) for Eighty-Eight years, and the "Church", her family, her friends remain silent?
Somebody lying! Far too many saved, sanctified Christians ain't shit! Somebody is terrified! Far too many people have zero faith in The HOLY SPIRIT which is evidenced by so many creatures like My "birther" being honored. Recognized, revered, respected, regarded as something to be feared and never questioned.
GOD said No!
Any fool , fool enough to preach repentance , then refuse it, "has my sympathies".
In the "Mean Time" I'm dancing, twerking, plum pimpin' on her dead ass, unrepentant , rotting, festering grave, closet soothe sayer, self aborting, murdering , ignorant , god forsaken ass..
*********THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*********
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Saturday, November 13, 2021
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