Up early
twerking on a dead demon's unrepentant grave
Stunting on a deadbeat dad, a worthless pathological liar,
an ignorant, color struck, illiterate hater
A so called "man" that loved to sleep with men on the sly,
A stupid idiot that sincerely believed riding a Bible in the back window of his car,
faithfully attending church, and tithing was some protection
and he was smart enough, cunning, manipulative enough to slither on GOD's good Earth a vile predator
Deliberately skinning and grinning,
always lying and denying.
Always lazy , yet envious.
A damn sissified muthafucker too scared to fight fair,
a coward so pathetic, Truth telling has never entered his "closet homosexual "mind
Just want to thank you for standing on the top steps of my house thirty seven years ago,
Taunting Me for not being a man, for not having a big Dick,
secretly hating me for not being *Sam
You laughed, took every thing that you did not physically destroy
You danced your little faggot yalla ass down my steps
Thirty-Seven years ago!
Claimed I tricked you, trapped you,
that anything as black as I was should be grateful to have you,
diseased, no degree having, crack addicted, pathological lying self
said I was too Black!
too fat!
How you like Me now dumb, sorry ass muthafucker?
That daughter you deliberately abandoned, left,
So, I just wrote this song to say fuck you biiiiiiiiitch!
*********THE GWEN DOSTER DIARIES*********
Monday, November 22, 2021
Monday, November 22, 2021
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