Well , We are "Here", finally a day of reckoning. No, there is no excuse for any family allowing, permitting, tolerating, excusing, cloaking, for any wo/man, as immoral, treacherous, and demon possessed , as My birthER, martha jane walters.
World, worse than that wo/man being ridiculously, extremely cruel, sadistic, carnal, common and just NASTY! s/he volunteered! satan never sent for her lying, lazy, immoral ass. That piece of vermin, closet viper, sought satan, hunted the mutha*********** down like the ravenous dog s/he was! And dared anybody to ******** try and stop her. World, mathy was Legion and Legion was LOOSE!
People, I can't help if that low life volunteer never came to repentance. Don't blame Me, don't hate Me! It is called Consequences! KARMA! JUSTICE! Relief for those s/he made "Fatherless", twice. A ravenous wolf that Refused to know the LORD Jesus Christ in the pardoning of her sins.
That is her loss. I know the slut was as common as bat shit! Just like everyone in Wade, North Carolina always said. It was true. It didn't matter, mathy jane was NOT taking correction from anyone, EVER!
"NoBODY bed not nevah think about telling on me!" I wish revealing the true mathy jane ever crossed your mind, instant cussing, stabbing... shit you were subject to lose your life!
No, martha jane walters was never a wo/man, a small child, or a little girl, that was going to take your correction. You were not even going to "roll your eyes" to that s/he-devil. No, you were NOT going to ever "drop a dime" on her, or make any feeble attempt to warn anyone. Close relatives were forbidden to tell. mathy never gave a **** about who knew, they just better NOT tell!
No, s/he never had any real power. Evil! Yes! Common, immoral, despicable! Yes! Power? No!
mathy had an ENTITY, a demonic spirit that the dummy dug up. It attached itself to her and the low whore for satan, satan's side chick , called it power. Go on and ROT 'hoe. I'm not warning to save you or to low rate you. You volunteered to do that yourself.
I just want to thank you for discarding Me! I can assure you, it was your loss and MY GREAT GAIN!
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