Dear World, Yes, it is Me again, "Little Gwen", the little brown "thrown away baby " , that very few hue-mans ever dared to love unconditionally. Why? "TOO BLACK" Harsh words deliberately spewed on Me relentlessly for over seventy years.
Yes, World I just want you to know that I am finally in "Recovery". No, I am not recovering from being "TOO BLACK". I am finally recovering from black (and white) ***, illiterate, scummy , jealous *** , m**********g *a**ots always up in my face casting dispersions on Me for My skin color.
Born beautiful by this World/s standards, fine. Fortunately or unfortunately tethered to a MONGREL MONSTROSITY! Yes World, that "Thang" that birthed Me begrudgingly , hated every second s/he had to stomach , see me, feed me, tolerate me , watch me grow into a fine young lady.
Of course s/he always pretended to loved me madly . For Sixty-two years. that low **** for satan stalked Me, Us, all six of the "Flying monkeys" s/he deliberately, cleverly spawned for her won sick pleasure.
Thank GOD, by the Grace of GOD, I was able to break rank. I refuse to be a coward to any Mongrel, any Pathological Liar, ever again. Yes , I freely and gladly Offend the Offenders.
The nasty whore had no problem scalding , scarring, starving, raping and mutilating Us , her own children, for fun, for Eighty-Eight years.
World, My birthER was every foul demon , that ever slithered through history, known and unknown. That wo/man known as madame watson, martha jane walters hodges,doster watson lamoureaux was Legion, Adolf Hitler, Edie Amen, Catherine the Great,every foul demon satan could collect and throw in a pulpit to mock GOD.
No, I don't fear her. (Of course the fact s/he is very dead helps LOL)
Just one word to all of you "Color Struck" hue-mans, mathy jane seriously justified all of her atrocities by claiming "White Privilege". "I'm light bright, damn near white and I can do what I damn please."
Why I still shun that "thang" mathy manipulated Me into marrying. They are TWIN demons. Associate with him at your own risk. Remember, Christ lovers, the righteous csan NOT lie. All pathological liars are demon possessed. Exercise great caution around that closet Crack Addict.
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