Dear World; In 1974 I accidentally married a "Stone FAGGOT"! Please do not get in your feelings, totally dismissing Me , assuming I am someone that is "anti-GAY". No such thing. I am pro Love, Pro Truth, Pro Live and Let Love.
I am revealing this aspect, this part of My horrid long, exciting, blessed life, because I am COMPELLED! I Must!
Please permit Me to share a little of My background. It is important that you know, that I KNEW, I KNEW from"Jump Street" , from MY unwanted birth, something was very wrong with that wo/man. Wrong is certainly an understatement for a modern day "Root Worker", on old nasty ass, common ,pathological lying, narcissistic, sadistic, sociopath. Another common , carnal , selfish, ignorant , greedy ass whore ,that lived EIGHTY- EIGHT YEARS, playing GOD. Bragging on her milky white skin and "Good hair".
World, My "BirthER" was a low fallen wo/man that Refused to ever get up. No, the low whore refused to try. Preferred to lie, rage, assault, and make every person that had to interact with her SUFFER!
That wo/man named martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux was one disgusting MAGGOT/FAGGOT. Wait, do not feel sorry for her, a low maggot whore for satan is exactly what
mathy jane" chose to be.
mathy jane" chose to be.
Sure, I am certain there are still many, trying to pretend they sincerely honor that dead piece of dog shit. I WON"T! I flat REFUSE!
While claiming to be ordained, while preaching every Sunday , for far too many years , the fact is , that wo/man was never more than satan's side piece. Never did anything but BULLY, TERRORIZE, MURDER, RAPE AND MOLEST as many innocent "children" as s/he could .
Yes, I married a FAGGOT! A (man) of extremely low morals, also a Pathological liar. An ignorant, uneducated IMP, also in love with his skin color. Another woman hater. A fake "Christian" just like trump and his zillion demon possessed Christians.
I just want to warn those about to be blessed with cancellation of their Student Loan debts. Your road is not going to be easy because very few so called Christians actually love Jesus Christ.
The deaf, dumb ,blind sheep love to "attend Church". Most of the "Christians" still attending "Church" are not going to please GOD. They are there to "get over", to please their fellow man.
To get a "blessing", to get paid, to hear some good music and most of all, to have some where to park their fine car, wear fine clothes and "flex".
I just want to encourage all of the "Throwed Away babies", just like Me, "Jesus Will Fix It!"
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