I must confess, I am quite impressed with this version of "Me and Mrs Jones". I am almost afraid to research it. I do not want to ever find out the Dramatics did it first.
Why? Why do I carry and admit to such ridiculous fear? "Socialization". WE THE PEOPLE have been "socialized" to believe alot of "lies", myths , and some savage , ridiculous bullshit , disguised as "GOD's Commandments".
BULLSHIT! World, please do not take as long as I did to "know your Truth".
Imps, hue-man beings that run to mischief. Just ignorant ass, unread NIG GERS! Sluts, 'hoes, prostitutes, pimps, that are proud to run their "stanking ass", lying ass, envious, jealous, sadistic ass , up in someone's "Church" every Sunday, PREACHING!
Or should I say; "Cutting the fool", faking for satan, low life wo/men , "Common as Bat shit", and mad as Hell because You know.
My "birthER" hated Me because I knew her. I became very aware that martha jane walters was nothing but satan wearing My "mother's" skin by age TWO!
While, I knew, while We all knew, s/he was UNSHAKE-ABLE! We could never rid Ourselves of her,. martha jane walters was our "thorn in the flesh". We had to "endure her to the end".
One good thing about it, WE all have to work out OUR own "Soul Salvation". Being born into the clutches of a complete , psychotic mongrel , with just enough cunning to escape imprisonment or execution., will totally destroy you or MAKE YOU STRONG! "Bullet proof".
Yes World, the low whore for satan that birthed Me, "taught" me how to clean her baby's shitty diapers , in the toilet, when I was FIVE YEARS OLD! It was easy, for every cotton diaper I lost, for every diaper I let slip from My tiny grip, the low slutty , (secret) Cunt, beat Me severely.
I could vacuum, wash dishes, wash a load of clothes, clean an entire apartment , BY MYSELF , by age FIVE!
Don't feel sorry for Me because ALL of her low treachery, BACKFIRED!
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