care how smart You loudly announce you are, anyone that refuses to take correction, to ever tell the Truth, You are pretty much worthless as a hue-man being.
That "thang" I married really felt justified in destroying ALL of My manuscripts, awards, ART, valuable collections of "priceless art". Why? Why was he such a "hue-man Maggot"? A dead piece of dog shit?
He was a "lascivious reprobate"! He was a PERVERT! A Pathological liar, hue-man scum , that really didn't mind being hue-man scum.
Why? He was an "usher" in the "Church". He was as fake as a three dollar bill. Well, how did I end up with such a Faggot, a Faggot that turned Faggot out the gate! A Faggot that turned back into the Faggot he always was on our "Wedding night".
So, why attack Me? That Faggot persued Me! I quit that mental midget so many times. I could not get rid of him. Well, not until I pulled that HR on that Faggot.
The HOLY SPIRIT does not need ant fake ass , lying, bitch ass nigga Faggots!
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