LIVE LAUGH LOVE! Be an honest person, always walk uprightly, ALWAYS! Never fall as low as martha jane walters and others. Or keep lying, Raging, cussing, Conjuring, Blessing blocking, bragging about your Blessing blocking, then preach every Sunday.
Then mess around and die UNREPENTANT! Demand somebody, any body to come visit Your UNREPENTANT GRAVE< EVER!
First of all, you never , ever had any reason to be so COMMON, SO FUCKING LONG! Somebody should have stopped You or KILLED Your Demon Possessed ASS!
Or, The HOLYSPIRIT has some use for vermin, INCESTUOUS/PEDOPHILES that murder their own babies and father (perhaps mother, also) .
One thing for sure; "Rejection is GOD's Protection!!!"
DO NOT MOCK GOD! That is not only good scripture but, "Common Sense".
Any of you that still cling to *rump, mjw or empty , Deplorable, Sick, SADISTIC Perverts like those Buzzards, go ahead.
One thing about it; "You a lie and the Truth ain't in you."
No, I am not offended by anyone that prefers *rump or people like mjw, over Me.
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