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Grover Washington, Jr. Mister Magic "HEALING THE MOTHER WOUND"

Yes HOLY Father, You are still Awesome! Still on the Throne! Still opening doors, removing blinders, obstacles, blessing blockers, and envious,  jealous haters , disguised as "family and friends".  

While the deliberately deceitful  are  often impossible to see, something in My Spirit has always enabled Me to "feel" them.  No matter the sweet words spewing from their lying lips, "I know". (My spirit screams; 'There is something not quite right about you".  Deep inside , I knew I was a marrying a 'homosexual". At that time,  thirty-two years old, very limited in my sexual experiences, due to My closet demon possessed,  sexually confused "mother" , I really had no idea what a "homosexual man" was.

I sure soon learned. World, that low life, dick sucking Faggot,  made sure I knew to well on our "Wedding night". YES! I'm still ANGRY! Screaming! That low life Maggot martha got Me good with that sissy-fied FAGGOT! I still can not believe I tolerated that TOTAL MAGGOT,  for eight long months! No wonder he is still disgusting. His whole life is a total farce. No degree from anywhere! No "manly" desire for any female, EVER! Not one word of Truth in his pale , soft, Philsbury doughboy , flabby , poorly educated body.

One thing for sure, evildoers are certainly cruel, DIABOLICAL, DEMON POSSESSED, but much too cowardly to be known.  The one issue that would get you "kilt", "salivated", assaulted, ruined, "laid low" by My "birthER" ; was any hint of the Truth.  World, for eighty=eight years that wo/man was permitted to smash little puppies between bricks, sexually molest any and all children left in her care, flush five, six, seven eight, nine, (who knows) babies down the toilet.  No, thsat whore lived eighty-eight years, raping, robbing, ruining, swindling, while pretending to be her polar opposite.

Of course martha jane walters refused to let any of her victims go, find "Freedom and Happiness", ever. Why? Much too phony, much too fake. Plus, living as a so-called Voodoo Priestess/Ordained minister,  always served her well. Those that  knew her , because they "knew" her,  certainly were NOT going to ever tell.

World, martha jane walters was born in 1925, the daughter of my grandfather, Jerome Walters, allegedly.  I  say allegedly because,  that low maggot slut , was My saintly grandfather's polar opposite. Thank GOD!

Yes World, that low volunteer whore for satan , fully intended to make Me a thousand times the low maggot slut,  s/he was.  Why? "The Mother Wound".  According to My "mother", s/he didn't like her mother.

My grandmother , Rachel McPhail Walters, was indeed a good woman but "TOO BLACK" for My "mother".  "Too African"  "Too Niggerish"...."My mother had an old nigga nose that she gave to me. " That one fact broke mathy's heart. If s/he had a more Caucasian nose, s/he could have successfully passed as white.

For some reason, unreachable, unteachable, uncoach-able , pathological lying , sadistic, psychotic,  martha jane walters, really believed the answer to all of her self made problems , would have been non-existent, had s/he been born white.

Really martha? The fact that you were indeed an Incestous, Pedophile, Nymphomaniac whore , would not have plagued you, if you had been labeled a Caucasion? You Lying Slut! Were you really ever that stupid?  Were WE that stupid?  (No, WE have to fulfill the Book. That low slut for satan was prophesied )

World, the word "motherfucker" (muthafucker) is woven into Our collective vocabulary , for a reason.  These stank 'hoes EXIST! They are far too numerous, far too powerful  in their TERRORIZING ENSLAVEMENT.  They have caused far too much pain,  for far too long.Put an immediate end to themm ! TELL ON THEM! Snatch them off of their thrones! Expose ever low life lying whore like martha jane walters, that you know! Start TODAY!

Yes, I'm hated, villified. (So was Jesus) Lied to, left out, deliberately excluded. So? "IT is what IT is".

Can the "Mother Wound" ever be healed? Yes, with GOD.  With The HOLY SPIRIT! 
True, evildoers never admit anything, they just RAGE.  WE think WE are keeping the peace, We are just keeping silent.  Anger, Rage, and Lies are the best tools of the pathological lying evildoer.

"Darling, the evildoer has no interest in honoring you or anyone else. Yes, they love to see your tears. Your pain gives them joy. You are their supply.  If you resist, so what, they shall target who ever is next in line. You just escaped a very painful blow designed to devastate you. BEAM!  IT is what it is!"


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