Lies, deceit, terror and confusion, the Currency of every evildoer. Sure, they smile, skin and grin as they devour you, gleefully grind you into dust.
Yes, of course they are all backstabbers, self haters, un-remorseful. Full of RAGE, when caught. Why? You, yes, pathetic little you, robbed them, deprived them of another opportunity to rub caiaine pepper in your open wounds. Yes, you thwarted their scheme to humiliate you. To lay you low , to mock you behind your back.
Sure, they planned to cry with you, lament with you. Nothing about their "countenance" shall ever let on about how happy they are to help slay you. Yes, they are glad when you are rejected, openly ridiculed. Why? IT is what IT is. There is nothing to debate. The Truth, the person that You love, doesn't love You and never will. They can't. IT is impossible. No, they can not, shall never admit IT but , they hate you too.
No, they cannot wait for you to die. So, they "accidentally, on purpose" , always hurt your feelings. Chop away at the little sanity you have left. You are the "Nothing", another Black Burden, a blight on this beautiful "white World".
Why don't you just hurry up and die? Get the fuck out of the way. COVID 19 has disappeared. Since very few excuses still exist, work on her fragile , failing mind. That will work.
No, "We didn't come here to stay always".
Get gone! Leave! No one wants you here. Why are you so S L O W ? What is it about Life , that you cherish so much? Clearly this is not a world for a Black woman like you. Get Gone! Go! Do so immediately because this is not your season.
Some how, despite all of imps like , mjw , *rump and closet homosexuals, I've had to face, I'm Cool, I'm Winning! In reality, it wasn't Me. I can never take credit for the excellent care The HOLY SPIRIT has always exercised over Me. It does feel good. Yes, I do Shine! Radiate!
True, "Victory is mine."
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