Yes! I'm BRAGGING!Why? I'm STILL STANDING! Deliberately born into the clutches of one FOUL demon possessed, ignorant, whorish Jezebel. A wo/man so stupid, s/he pretended to pretend, to be something s/he wasn't , in order to impress people , s/he purely hated.
World, My "Birth-ER" shall go down in history as a pure Maggot, a Slut, another Dirty Cunt, that was permitted , by the fake so-called "Christians", of this CONtry, to parade, molest, fake, and destroy her own innocent children for Seventy-Two long hard years. So? Her dirty life was beneficial. IT was beneficial to Me. I can never be all together sure that I could have escaped becoming the low, lying prostitute, fake "Christian", mjw was, without martha being martha. Something inside Me tells Me, that I needed that "Mathy jane Experience".
I needed to be "Set up" over and over , for decades! I needed to be someone's "Footstool". I needed t serve as a "chump" . I needed to be taken severe advantage of by someone I love with a passion, Again. I certainly didn't get enough from mjw, and that Faggot ron! Nor, have I ever been mistreated enough in this racist "Color Struck" World. Just give Me a "Double dose". Just hit Me with the ; "If s/he stupid enough to believe me" excuse.
At any rate, I'm good. No, I am not rich. As a matter of fact, I've been called a BURDEN so much, it is now officially My name. So? That slittering, slutty serpent, that birthed me , that Maggot whore, considered Me a Burden also. I was considered so worthless, to my own "mother", s/he gave me away! Left Me in the Whorehouse s/he did her best "tricking" in.
Somehow forced to "retrieve" me, the low slut still made sure that I would pay. Yes, the low stank whore charged Me TAX. Tax in the form of being a "sex toy" for her and that Jet Black Ass Pervert s/he "conjured" and married in less than a week.
I am sure , if that low whore for satan had ever had any idea her sick demonic, sadistic shit could backfire, s/he would have treated me like the princess s/he pretended like , s/he thought s/he was.
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