Exhale deeply!
Let IT out!
Relax every muscle in your body
Yes, let go of all the pain you have been forced to bear because you were born into the clutches of the Sickest, most Sadistic , Abomination to The HOLY GHOST, satan could create, and force down the throat of the innocent.
REBUKE that Bitch! Curse that Cur! Reveal her! Do NOT wear her Taint! Do NOT bear her Burdens!
Inhale GOD's good clean air!
Breathe deeply knowing that Unleashed Horror has waifed away from this good Earth Forever!
Waifed away! Vanished! A low common water moccassin , planted in the Walters Family by satan.
An immoral sick, sadistic pervert , planted in the AMEZ (African Methodist Episcopal Zion) Church!
To mock GOD, To sully GOD's name!
Yes World, my "mother"/"Birth/ER" , martha jane walters hodges, doster watson lamoureaux was dispatched to this good Earth to do harm, to destroy, through a brilliant scheme designed by lucifer himself.
Yes World, satan created a wo/man that dared to live in both Worlds, a "preacher" by day and a low Maggot Predator by night.
There is no excuse for good people of this World enduring witches, snakes, vipers, low life trash, like mjw, and her favorite Flying monkeys, except they be willing.
I'm not willing. I'm not willing at seventy-one, I wasn't willing at one, two or three. Yes World, I have been Screaming to the top of my lungs, trying to reveal that sick succubus that birthed me.
Awwwwwwwww! s/he is gone now! Waifed away ....poof....finally vanished...flung into the outer realm of this vast Universe. Pray that WE never have such a creature to creep up in families again. martha jane walters, a KNOWN PERVERT! Mad! Raging because s/he was a PERVERT. A PERVERT that secretly longed to be, loved to be, the sneaky PERVERT that s/he was.
martha jane walters, a false preacher, a total fake, a wo/man that never found the courage to utter one word of Truth , in her long, long, worthless life.
A dead demon that left such a strangle hold on her family , these NINE years had to lapse before anyone could finally find the courage to believe Me, to sincerely help Me reveal the World's greatest Filth. An unnecessary secret. World, martha jane walters was never more than a volunteer "nigger slave".
Pray that this World will finally hear Me and know that I am not Whining, I AM WARNING!
Please shun the very presence of evil! Please never lie for LIARS! Please protect your Children!
Please do not silence the voice of messengers. Never honor the memory of sluts like martha and *r.
Do not ever lie, steal or kill. Divest of martha jane walters! Dare to rebuke that dead whore! Dead NINE YEARS!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
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