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Summer Breeze, Pts. 1 & 2 "Floating"

"Floating on air, ain't touching ground nowhere" (*Joan Graham - High Rise-1973 NCAT)
AWESOME! That's how I feel. Why? The low skank, that serial murderer, that homemade witch, that sick sadistic dog , that not only delighted herself in destroying her own babies, lived and deliberately destroyed,  slaughtered with great delight, every "loved one" s/he touched.  Did so with  little resistance for Eighty-eight Years.

NO, that should not be , Children of the Most High GOD. Please discern, know the difference, if something is defined as a thing that "should not be", that is,  something,  good people,  have no excuse for tolerating, or permitting. However, if IT is prophesied , IT SHALL AND MUST COME TO BE.
That low slut, satan's sidekick, Mongrel Monstrosity, martha jane walters,  was prophesied, PREDICTED to come! s/he "came" alright. HORROR UNLEASHED, HORROR UNENDING for Eighty-eight Years!

LORD, on this day, Tuesday, September 27, 2022, I am so grateful! Thankful! Humbled! Redeemed! Yes LORD, I am over the Moon! Released! Redeemed! Rejoicing! Dancing on the grave of an old stank, demonic whore , that taught Us , forced Us,  to keep her filth a secret,  forever , while s/he stole the mantle of Jerome Walters, deliberately preached his sermons, mocking GOD.

No, no, no, mathy jane, that should not be. How did this great travesty happen? Fear! Fear is every evildoer's greatest and most powerful tool. Before I go on revealing that Abomination to The HOLY GHOST, please recognize the difference between a "sinner" and an "evildoer".

A "sinner" is basically a good person, perhaps , just weak in some areas of his character. Does wrong when tempted. A sinner can be corrected . You can teach a sinner,  and the sinner will be grateful. Not the "evildoer". I wish you would try to correct any evildoer, you shall get cursed out! You will get blasted to Kingdom Come. You will be threatened , you will be snubbed. Oh yes, the evildoer is all too glad to crucify you.  Worse, not only will they crucify you, delight in it and dare you to so much as mumble.

The Good News is, "Trouble don't last always". "Jesus will fix it".  "Apart from Christ We are nothing."
Please pay attention! For the entire Sixty-two years I was plagued by martha, there was never one day that sick whore was not up to some sick ass shit. Believe it or not, I am screaming with laughter , just re-living some of mathy's stupidity.

World, the low whore spent all of her money,  and money s/he stole, on HERSELF! World, the stupid whore that refused to be corrected, guided, or coached, used to delight in wearing five and six hundred dollar Ben Mart suits,  to work! Wait, the low whore worked in a warehouse. Everyone else wore jeans and Tee shirts.  This lying, plastic, fake , uncle tom slut,  was slithering around overdressed for Congress! Proud as a Peacock! Unbothered by her own acts of incest, pedophilia, conjure, voodoo, rape, molestation, robbery, assault, brutality or murder.

Why? Because the dumb, Color Struck, sadistic slut,  was determined to never share with the people s/he blamed for ruining her slutty life. Our collective torment was the Tax We paid for making the mistake of being conceived in mARTHA jANE wALTERS CORRUPT WOMB! Well, why didn't s/he just come out and say so? The low slut was a COWARD! 

Yes, the low sneaky whore would gladly bust out all of your car windows, slash all of your tires, mail you a letter s/he wiped her shitty ass in, but confess, NEVER!

s/he murdered her on tiny little babies, flushed them down the toilet. What did s/he ever to the grown ass men , s/he had raping her own children? NOTHING! Helped them, honored them, cleared their names. Yet, the stank 'hoe shot her own daddy, dead in the heart,  NEVER GAVE ONE SHIT! 

s/he did stab a woman once, tried to kill a woman for calling her a whore. Yes, mathy always bragged about how the "bitch almost died".  Did the woman lie? No, but,  s/he learned,  as We all did, DON'T SAY NOTHING "BOUT mATHY,  EVER! "Just go along to get along". Play stupid, skin and grin, Keep that 'HOE HAPPY!

But,  finally LORD, Finally! The skank has waifed away! No one feels the need to keep silent, few fear her! That slut was here, did her damage, now s/he is Gone! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

"Floating on air, ain't touching ground nowhere!"

Dear Children of the Most High GOD, be all you can be. NEVER LIE!!! If you are a LIAR, become a TRUTH TELLER!




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