BEAMING ! NOT SCHEMING ! GOOD GOT TUH MIGHTY !!! I AM MARKED SAFE FROM the low scummy , Maggot that always resented birthing Me! US! My Five fellow Victims! Brilliant handsome "boys", deliberately Ruined! RAPED BY THEIR OWN MOTHER!
Yes LORD, I AM Still Two Stepping on that Volunteer Slimmy Slut , that stalked Me! US! Bragging! Yes World, That demon possessed 'hoe would brag to her "Flying monkeys", and fellow imps about what a great job s/he was doing, conning, flim=flaming, her OWN FAMILY!
Yes, the skanky imp was always plotting, hating, blessing blocking while grinning in your damn face. World! martha jane walters was the Prototype for Two Faced Miserable Prostituting "HOE! But, if you ever confronted her about her low, common SHIT!! The Bitch went to hollering! Screaming! Denying! Persecuting! Strave-ing! Manufacturing Malicious Lies! Determined to make You a lower , confused whore than s/he ever was. Making you a thousand times more miserable than you were before you "complained".
World, martha jane walters was such a low, demon possessed whore, you better not bleed on her shoes when s/he deliberately, clandestinely, cut your throat or stabbed you in the back.
No! My , long, precious Life, is NOT all Bad News! IT is certainly NOT the "Horror Story" that slut martha designed. BITCH!! Why in the fuck did you have Me, US, as muthafucking TODDLERS, in the bed, with you and your crow black, Freak of a husband? HORROR UNLEASHED!
Just because You got away, that doesn't mean you; "Got away". Low whore, satan's side piece, you were JUST TOO FOUL AND FILTHY, to address , while you yet Slithered on this Good Earth, pretending to be an Ordained Pastor.
ROT! You should have listened! You should have never lied! No, you should have never volunteered to serve satan, just because you were born bearing snow white skin, and straight hair.
Dear Wo/Men of this World, you can still love wo/men like mjw, and closet hoe-mo-sexual , like that swine, I accidentally married or you can STAND UP to EVERY eVILDOER, kin or Not!
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