Marked safe!
Any idiots still claiming "words" , vowels, nouns, verbs and adjectives , disturb them so much , they must condemn "people that cuss", use "vulgar" language. They must shun you for wearing the wrong color skin. Mental midgets, so dull in their understanding, they have yet to acknowledge One GOD is OUR Father! GOD made , created every color , of every skin , of every Wo/Man!
IT is not the skin WE are in, IT is your Spirit, your moral code, your Righteous fervor, your desire to treat Everyone right!
I must admit, acknowledge, marta jane walters, an extremely fertile fe/male, closet BULLDAGGER, root working, demon possessed, homemade witch, had me bound for far too long. While that volunteer , low whore for lucifer , did "enjoy" eighty-eight years of slithering, stalking, robbing, raping, ruining, ...what did s/he get? Nothing! But, used by satan, the exact same way s/he used satan on everybody s/he could.
I do not agree that mathy jane was ever as happy as s/he claimed. No one that is truly happy devotes their entire long life to hating the Truth, GOD, The HOLY GHOST , unless they are eaten up with brain and moral ROT, like dj*rump.
Sugar can draw flies, so can shit.
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