Yes! GOD is still AWESOME! Yes World, I'm still BEAMING! That low, unrepentant slut , that died unrepentant, deliberately, is being REVEALED!
Awesome! World, I'm proud to share "My Journey", my "mathy jane Experience".
"LAWD! LAWD! LAWD!", satan turned TOTALLY Ridiculous, Sick, Sadistic, Psychotic and PERVERTED , when it came to My "Birther"; martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoreaux!
If you don't know, you sure as hell need to know! Modern day muthafucking DEE MON! A low slut, "blessed" with the gift of clairvoyance ,intelligence,and charisma, turned evil, demon possessed Maggot, Slut , Ordained Minister!
Yes World, My "Birther", just like that clown *rump , and walker, tried to use Jesus to "get ova'". s/he did, at least that is what s/he bragged. That low 'hoe was never winning and damn sure never won.
Now her stanking dead ass has been flung into the other realm of GOD's magnificent Universe, never to trouble anymore.
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