World, I can assure you, there has never existed a greater pretender , than my own birthER , and that thang, WE THE PEOPLE were forced to endure as he totally , and deliberately , screwed this CONtry.
No, at seventy-one years old I'm still not sure what happened to Us, to Me, to the entire Walters family. As I look back, reflect, all I see is a MONSTER! A complete MONGREL allowed, permitted to lie, steal, kill, with reckless abandon, precisely because s/he was FEARED!
Yes World, that stanking slutty mathy jane Raped, RUINED a d destroyed every Life s/he could.
World, before you consider Us, Me, cowards, you must understand, the SLUT birthED Us! A common, lustful, sick, psychotic, sadistic SLUT was forced on Us!
World! That stanking, lying, murdering, Bitch was created for the BRAIN DEAD! A person would have to be BRAIN DEAD or severely ROOTED to tolerate that SLUT. You also have to be BRAIN DEAD to support djt and his kind.
Yes, forced! Why? Was it because her Cruelty was unbelievable? Was the fact none of Us had a "Daddy".! That was IT! martha jane walters found herself pregnant more times than anyone on this good Earth wants to know.
s/he PERFORMED her Own ABORTIONS!!! There was nothung "maternal" a bout my "birthER". I often felt "her" INCREDIBLE EVIL from inside her corrupt womb. NASTY! Disgusting! Lustful! Lying, but mostly lack of Faith.
No, martha NEVER believed in GOD. Not a just GOD that protected Everyone, insured Justice for ALL. s/he did believe in and s/he did practice "Black Magic". However, it wasn't the "dirt" that did her biding. The slow SLUT committed her own rapes, torture, scalding, assaults. martha creep around slithered and destroying , counting the truly "Righteous" as her enemies. Thus, the MURDER of her own Father.
No, s/he never regretted, never apologized, never repented. Does that justify her five sons' denial? No, that is just shame. I refuse! That low slut made her bed" and those that still cling to her certainly have as much Free Will.
Question, was martha as racist and color struck as s/he claimed? Never! martha , the SLUT, loved being the CUNT s/he was! martha the stanking whore, was a Bully, djt in a dress. s/he always got her way. If, rather when, you made her jealous, that slut was swift with her "dust", Yes, your house was going to burn down mysteriously, you were never going to have any money and the SLUT was always going to blame "your color", your hair for your condition , while bragging on her "porcilein white skin and straigh hairt".
World! That is DEMON POSSESSION! No hue-man being that totally destroyed and prevented countless Black babies , should simply be forgotten.
"Well! Fo'git Den!" was always her tired response. martha did in fact, get a "Rush", gained tremendous satisfaction, slithering away from her countless foul, inhuman deeds. s/he always knew full well s/he was guilty as charged.
martha jane walters is certainly One of Those DEMONS that had to come here! How else could people know the full extent of Depravity from the lips of an ordained minister.? I am sure many people have failed to realize what a great mother they actually have or had. World, if your mother never tried to push your beautiful face in a wood burning stove, never sexually molested or raped you, count yourself lucky.
I know I almost missed knowing "HOW GREAT THOU ART" because of that ENTITY. A fallen wo/man that flat refused GOD! Yes World, that martha jane walters, flat slapped GOD in the face because martha refused CHRIST! Refused the TRUTH! Refused to be HUMBLED! Demanded to be Honored.
Well, WE all have Free Will! I choose to REBUKE that unrepentant , demon possessed SLUT martha and djt, and his Legion Of LIARS!
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