YES!!! The GOD I know is AWESOME! If you still don't know that Fact, that is your problem.
"As a wo/man thinketh in her heart, so is s/he."
IT is another beautiful, GOD Blessed day ,here in Los Angeles, truly a city of Angels. Yes, Children of the Most High GOD, dreams do come true. Never forget, "No weapon formed against you shall ever prosper."
For ever "Action" there is an equal and opposite reaction. Born into the clutches of a wo/man so sick, sadistic, and demon possessed, the low whore for satan never ceased from vexing, plaguring Me, US. Never! Not one fucking day on this good Earth was that wo/man named martha jane walters , ever a good person. No, not by accident. mathy jane walters rejected GOD! Sure s/he accepted the unearned platitudes. The low , sick, sadistic whore for satan gladly played the part, having zero interest in GOD , other than to fleece,
People like my birthER shall always be the lat to ever tell the Truth about anything. That evil, diabolical creature , martha jane walters can be traced back to the little girl that smashed a small puppy between bricks. I fear s/he was severely beaten for that "act" of extreme cruelty. Ironically , all the beatings that creature was made to suffer , only mad her worse, a better Mongrel Monstrosity.
Yes, I know I can trace my birthER back to Artemus (Team) Walters, my grandfather's father. I heard he was one Muthafucker! Stayed strapped, carried guns and a "Hawkbill knife". Yes, I heard he gladly slayed many a sorry nigga and got clean away. Why> One reason he was "mixed", " considered "colored'. Tall, handsome, built, "race", who knew? He looked like a white Indian. He was married to a fierce white African wo/man.
There may be a lot of families that suffered at the hands of evil racists. The story is "different" when you come from "stock" too "light" to be considered true "niggers" but, too dark to be "white".
While my great grandfather was found to be quite vicious and angry toward most of his fellow man, he had to have some good qualities, after all he was my GrandDADDY's father,
I did hear about his hot temper and willingness to kill anyone that he thought wanted to die, I never heard that he was a Liar. "Color struck", yes. Greedy? No. Whorish? Yes. Fake> No. He proclaimed his deep hatred for all dark skinned people, loudly.
Was he paternalistic? Yes. Did he live a fascinating life as a tenant farmer in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries? Was IT character or Color? Was it a little of both?
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