Yes, I hate him! I hate that mental cripple with every fiber of my being. That STUPID, closet ******** destroyed my Master's Thesis. A book I took two years to write.
Why was he stupid? I have no idea. I do know he spent all of his time worrying about the condiments and canned goods being arranged in alphabetical order than he did the plight of the Black Community.
He cared more about sneaking around with men. YES ! MEN! The saved, sanctified, could never miss church usher, was IN THE CLOSET! No, he was NOT a friendly woman loving *ag, he was a WOMAN HATER! And still is!
He is not rare. I know a lot of people that spend their entire lives trying to be clean and tidy, clutter free. Sure, their children suffer from neglect, will probably stutter or develop a nervous condition. But, you can be sure everyone brags about how perfectly clean they always are.
I would rather paint, draw, write or create something, than spend my life cleaning , just to look good to white folks.
Ignorant, unread, self hating ****************** WE shall have with US always. So what? Shun them!
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