All I know, is All I know. I have been telling "My Story" for nearly Seventy two years. Praise the LORD!
Pre-hated! Seriously, I was born into the clutches of a whore. Not just any whore, no regular "run-of-the mill" whore either. I was born into the clutches of a sick, sadistic, psychotic, Root Worker. A volunteer , low common wo/man determined to destroy Me!
Why? What was her reasoning? "Too Black!" From the moment I took my first breath , I was always too black for that slut. Not too black to push into a red hot stove. Not to black too sexually molest and torture until I was old enough to tell. Then the low whore added "snitch".
No!I am not mad, I AM REJOICING! I never could have made it without the LORD.
Am I disappointed that all the doors were slammed in my face and the few doors that opened , that buzzard, i foolishly called "mother", foolishly always confided in, Back stabbed Me.
Am I disappointed that all the doors were slammed in my face and the few doors that opened , that buzzard, i foolishly called "mother", foolishly always confided in, Back stabbed Me.
"It is ALL Good" "What GOD has for Me is for Me!
Yes, s/he did actually attempt to destroy every life that touched her jealous heart, causing her unnecessary envy. Yes, martha jane walters would run down to her favorite graves with a quickness. (What a sick demented whore, My LORD, My LORD! Far too many people refuse to read and study. Far too many idiots think there exists a GOD that hates vulgar language. No, GOD hates Conjure, ignorant jealous, fallen wo/men that refuse to get up. Wo/men rotting from the inside out from spewing vicious lies.)
Ridiculous! How are you going to hate your own flesh, stalk it, feigning some fake ass love to somebody you are trying to kill, destroy? First of all, make sure you know "mathy jane" ended up exactly where s/he should have been all the time, some where rotting. Where ever pathological liars go.
World, can a pathological liar ever stop lying? Perhaps if they could ever tell themselves the Truth, first. I've known far too many. They all RAGE! Scream bloody murder if you come near them with the Truth. It is sad. They are so unpleasant no one wants to be around them, long.
No matter what, they are needed. I am sure I would have never known love without that slut's vicious hatred being slathered on me for seventy one and one half years.
I only have one thing to say; REJOICE! "Trouble don't last always!" . That low life, slutty maggot martha shall be known. That bottom bitch s/he deliberately saddled me with, shall be known.
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