I'm over JOYED!
Full of The HOLY GHOST!
Marked Safe!
Delivered from satan's sidepiece,
a low common fallen wo/man that flat refused to ever try to get up, with her common, stankin', immoral, ignorant ass. The low SLUT lived her long life as a volunteer sadistic, loose "Root Worker". Yes, World my "mother", "birthER" was a Mongrel Monstrosity! A dumb one at that.
Obviously martha had "skills". s/he was extremely manipulative! Everyone s/he met was a potential "Payday" for her. martha quickly flashed her beautiful smile when s/he was grooming you, those same pearly whites turned to fangs the minute s/he decided you were no longer useful.
No, while martha preached (quite eloquently I thought) s/he never believed one word ! Not one word. After preaching s/he would climb back in her long Cadillac complaining . "Dem black ass niggers didn't give me but a 'hunard dollars." (In the 1960s)
Seriously. Sure, we went to Church every Sunday. martha never permitted us to miss. No, NEVER! martha taught us that it was a curse, that GOD would not bless us if we failed to get dressed up and devote our entire day to the Church. Please notice I said Church, not Christ. martha cared nothing for
martha always complained that GOD was too slow. Therefore s/he always relied on Conjure. If mathy jane wanted anything, quickly, demanded it immediately , that low slut, that pathological lying , evil, jealous, envious, took her yalla' ass down to "The Ki (Cow)" to visit her favorite graves. There were only two. One, an innocent baby's grave, the other a murderer , that was murdered. His grave was her favorite. I use to know his name. martha was so common, so ignorant , s/he took us , then terrorized us, swore us to secrecy.
Being dumb, ignorant nigga martha, always was used her "skills", her "goofer dust", on Black people that caused her to rage. Loved ones s/he cussed out in the blink of an eye if s/he felt they were getting to confident, had "gifts" s/he wished s/he had. "Gifts" s/he would have had, had it not been for her Daddy, her "Goody two shoes" daughter. Of course martha always had a good excuse for" snatching your souls". Number one, we were all too black. We were always burdens. s/he could have enjoyed a much better life if s/he had not been saddled with our sorry broke black asses.
While martha finally died, her evil demonic spirit is no where near dead. Dear LORD come what may , I am Grateful! Humbled! I am over the Moon with JOY, thanking You for my many gifts. My "gifts" do cause discomfort in some people. Yes, some people consider my Art so ugly they want no part of it, consider it trash.
My Art is no more trash, than I am. No , I never had a mother. So? GOD blessed me with my grandfather Rome Walters. He certainly made up for the short fall. I'm Blessed! I know I/m Blessed. You be Absolutely, Abundantly Blessed as you yearn to learn your Truth.
Praise GOD Almighty!
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