Greetings and Salutations: enemies, kin and friends,
Yes, today finds me doing quite well, Again! Yes Again! By the help of the LORD. You might not know IT, but I know IT! "Apart from Christ" WE are Nothing! I mean everbody, Jews, Gentils, Muslims, Buddists, Hindos , atheists, Everybody!
First of all when I use the term Jesus, I am not referring to "mortal man". My Jesus is ALL SPIRIT! A Spirit that passeth all understanding.
As I said and keep repeating; WE THE PEOPLE are Not in a racial war, OUR War is Spiritual. "Many are called, few are chosen." Please stop hating, blaming, expecting anyone to do anything for you just because they are kin, share your blood line.
Nooooooo, that is not how it works. Remember Jesus taught US that OUR enemies would be of OUR own household. That's kin, that's mother, father, sister, brother,cousins, aunts, uncles. Sometimes satan places a viper, a white water moccasin, in the woodpile. A damn NIGGER! A low life Immoral Piece of Filth!
Is IT a test? Is IT something WE have to go thorough personally to understand? Can you hate anyone too much? I don't think so. Can you hate anyone or anything too long? I do believe so. Then why do WE cling to such horrid hatred? Does it feel good? Is IT in any way pleasurable? Is IT a form of revenge? Will IT restore OUR youth, the joy We thought WE had, the complete Joy We were expecting?
"Life ain't nothing but a Dream." IT is seldom what WE expect. So!? In the "MeanTime" Turn up! Celebrate everyday ! Finally be grateful for something! Tell a Power higher than You , THANK YOU!
Stop lying for dead ass , cunning witches, that were sent here to destroy and make miserable as many as possible, for as long as possible, especially members of her own family.
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