Yes LORD, IT is me, "Little Gwen" again. I just want to take a moment to brag on You. To tell You one more time of how proud I am of You for choosing Me. Yes, I know I was chosen to be victimized by this cruel, cruel , racist Color Struck World.
"Many are called, few are chosen." No, You don't choose the weak, the faint at heart LORD. You don't choose people that get exasperated at the drop of a hat and go to flinging, spewing and blaming. Dredging up "Guilt", psychologically crucifying the innocent, the infirm, those too weak or too young to fight back.
Yes, that is what the holier than thou, sanctimonious, self-righteous, judgmental, know everything, got all the money snobs ,did to My Jesus. Hung him on a cross! Bludgeoned him! Beat him until they got tired, ripped the skin off of his back with a cat of nine-tails. Killed any and everybody that told on them.
If you claimed you loved Jesus two thousand years ago, they cut you head off, put it on a pole. The roads leading to Rome were lined with skulls of Jesus lovers. No, I don't know how many miles. There had to be too many.
I know IT was too many because the result is "Fake Christianity", lying phonies, actual pimps, filling pulpits by " too many". Greedy lascivious reprobates, got Jesus stuffed in their mouth, on their lying lips but , nowhere near their corrupt hearts.
Thank You LORD for placing me in the arms of a loving, kind, peace maker. Truly a gentleman after Christ's heart. Thank You for Your intervention. The first four years of my life were Awesome! I was held! I was nurtured! I was loved!
Jesus had to offer proof that he had been crucified. Doubting Thomas dug in his wounds. Just like Jesus I can offer proof of my crucifixtion. I still have the burn scar on my right elbow, seventy years after the fact. On and on, yes, I have evidence of some horrid plot that vile mjw plotted against me, every day for sixty-two years.
No, s/he does not want to be known. I do have to laugh, that low imp loved doing what s/he did, s/he really didn't mind anyone knowing. The more I think about IT, s/he was really proud of her excessive cruelty and blessing blocking. mjw didn't like IT when s/he was resisted, called out, found out. But, one day s/he was hauled out! PTL!
Stand up to that Mongrel Monster, if you wanted to. GOD help you! What did mjw want? To be worshipped. s/he wanted to be GOD, not a god or goddess but, GOD.
Well IT doesn't work like that. GOD is love, not fear. Fear has no place in the Body of Christ. If you truly LOVE the LORD, you love the Truth, you love the righteous.
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