GREETINGS SCHOLARS! ; were the words written in my most beautiful Calligraphy , everyday that I taught. (BEAMING) Since age four, it was my greatest desire to be a "Teacher". Teachers are OUR greatest"Influence ERs.
WE model "morals", integrity. WE excite young innocent minds to stretch! "Teaching is the nobel-est of all professions."; the words Rome Walters poured into me.
A string of ugly, ill tempered, poor, racist teachers , can destroy young, innocent, brilliant minds. Can put their "Fire" out. Can breed seeds of self hatred, can create little lying, sadistic monsters worse than themselves.
Of course, that is the "Plan". How dare any oppressed person expect the Truth, Fair Play, Justice , from their Oppressor, ever? So? Freedom must be earned, hard fought for.
Why do the evildoers declare they are winning? What can you expect from liars? More lies. Certainly not because they "look good", sound good, have far too much money. Don't cave into any evildoer out of fear. They have no power. Sure, they are cruel, manipulative, loud, clamorous, and they live to "mind fuck" you.
So? IT IS ALL IN DIVINE ORDER! Here I am, trying to make seventy-two laps around the Sun. I'm not looking back, I am counting my blessings. Escape! Escape! Escape! Escape after every evil plot.
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