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JERRY BUTLER & BRENDA LEE EAGER - "Ain't Understanding Mellow" Exerpts from THE BOOK OF ROME

#1- Greetings to ALL, believers, non-believers and those stuck on "Maybe"

#2- OUR War is Spiritual, in other words; "Many are called, few are chosen."  The HOLYSPIRIT wants all of US, but ,most people are pathological liars, therefore render themselves unworthy. Yes, I'm "Old" now and I have substantial proof that most hue-man beings LIE! 

WE lie unconsciously, WE lie out of habit. WE lie to get along. Some of US lie because WE are so jealous, so envious,  of the blessings of others, people that WE think ,WE are better than.

Of course they are kin! That part does hurt , can be excruciating , until you realize, IT may not be their call.  Righteousness is not meant for everyone. Some people must be vile, deplorable, despicable.  They are "Needful Things".  

How would WE know to cherish the memory of someone like Rome Walters , without wicked, sick, sadistic monsters,  like marthsa jane walters?

Not only do most people LIE, most people will certainly do you harm for refusing to pretend you believe their horrid lies.   Like racism, seriously, just who is stupid enough to believe all white people are superior to ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR? The wretched, the "Sly, the Slick, the Wicked", those that volunteer to be STUPID!

Of course all pathological liars RAGE! Deliberately terrorize all those s/he thinks inferior, broke, cripple,  and stupid. So what? JESUS will fix IT!

World, please do not believe for one moment, that low whore for satan,  ever got away with anything, EVER! True, s/he was never arrested or indicted for murdering and robbing my grandfather.  But,s/he certainly could not brag , either.  Well,not to too many of her so called confidents , flying monkeys, prisoners of her wicked hatred.

Wo/man!  He was infirm and helpless! Only had one leg! Could not walk! Could not protect himself from your vicious lying tongue!  The guilt, never left her.  That is why the slut never quit plotting, "rooting", starting shit. Thirty plus years of fake ass preaching did not remove that blot.

Yes World, s/he knew.  Of course s/he knew. s/he also knew her ability to terrorize, to make Hercules shit on himself, was her "protection".

Protection from what? The TRUTH! For eighty-seven years, eleven months, and twenty-three days, that fallen wo/man, that demon possessed, jealous, envious, blessing blocking , root working, pathological lying,  mongrel monstrosity,  did nothing but spread misery and poverty .  Just to be called "Great".  Just to be looked up to as some sort of saviour , knowing full well s/he was a vile serpent.

How foolish does a fallen wo/man have to be, to preach repentance, then scoff IT and curse IT, when offered to her.

"Time changes all things"- Rome Walters


Have a beautiful blessed day. Be absolutely , abundantly blessed IN JESUS NAME!


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