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Roy Ayers - You Send Me Excerpt from THE BOOK OF ROME

Grab a comfortable chair, go somewhere and sit down! Inhale! Relax your mind.Close your eyes.Run every great memory back over your mind. Now BEAM!

Please know who you are,  and most importantly; Whose!  If you don't have a god or know GOD , personally, too bad. "Seek and you shall find."

I know for an absolute fact,  I've had, enjoyed,  an intimate relationship with My LORD and savior , for My entire long life! "HE walks with Me, talks with Me, never has left Me alone."

Yes, IT is also true, jealous, envious, ignorant, poorly educated,  blessing blockers,  have stalked Me relentlessly.  Every feeble step, some lying, lustful, Christian pervert has vexed Me! So!? IT can't be helped.   IT is Spiritual! I am who I am! I'm Fierce! I'm Dynamic! I am a true Intellectual.  I am a ravenous Reader!  I am a brilliant writer. 

"I got caught up ova'here " with the biggest liars on Earth! Fake! Fake! Fake! Manipulative and sadistic. So what? GOD will get them. 

"You shall know them by their fruit." No action,  backs the words of a liar.  Sure, they have mastered the use of the "Silent Treatment" and RAGE.  Yes, the lying cowards shall grin in your face,  knowing damn well,  they hate your guts, begrudge you any and all Happiness.  When in reality they wish you would hurry up and die.

Too immature and poorly educated, they can not engage in an honest conversation. They are extremely insecure.  No reason. They are fake because they are cruel, malignant narcissists Immoral.

There is no cure, so just be aware.  All they do is RAGE! So,  shun them.  Keep to yourself.  The only thing you shall miss is extreme heartache.  The more you cry, the better they feel. 

"Come Jesus!' - Rome Walters


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