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Lord Help Me to Hold Out Excerpt from THE BOOK OF ROME

First of all, do know that I am BEAMING! GLOWING! ON FIRE WITH THE HOLY GHOST! 

DELIVERED from a Mongrel Monstrosity, a wo/man , a creature, an ENTITY, a volunteer demon, a volunteer slave for satan,  and every form of evil,  to ever exist.

LORD! World, did that wo/man, that creature, ever seriously believe that s/he was smarter than GOD/ THE HOLYSPIRIT?  Did s/he ever believe tricking Aunt Olive out of Uncle Will's THE LOST BOOKS OF MOSES , was her key to victory? Power? Did martha ever believe that s/he could secretly serve satan and GOD? Yes s/he did! I am a Witness! 

The low whore for satan,  made me be her "Door Keeper"! By age fourteen , martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux , had me greeting her "clients" at the door.

I was instructed to make them  comfortable, "interview" them,write the info down , and slip it to her in the kitchen. s/he of course would amaze them with her ability to read minds, Tarot cards, restore their "nature" and broken relationships.

Sometimes s/he saved their lives by taking their hard earned cash and throwing it in the Cafe Fear river. Madame Watson always assured her "clients" none of the money was for her. The money was for their "cleansing". 

martha always offered proof by the jar of worms and filth s/he claimed s/he discovered in them. martha instructed the "client" to urinate in a glass jar, she pronounced some homemade mumbo jumbo over the dummy's piss and placed it under the table. Little did the trusting idiot ever know, martha just switched jars.

Screaming and hollering, declaring s/he saw IMMINENT  DEATH, martha ran the ultimate flimflam, required them to pay dearly or DIE.  Sometimes martha's sadistic nature would kick in and s/he would make the dummy beg her for help.

We all laughed, After fleecing as many blind sheep as s/he could,  in one day, martha would permit me to accompany her,  and watch her shop. Twenty, thirty, forty pairs of shoes at a time.  We would return "home" with her Cadillac loaded ! I was made to feel grateful! For my loyalty and hard work, I got to pick one cheap "gift".

World, my "mother", my "Birther" was Madame Watson, sometimes Madame Rico. My "mother" always taught Us, the practice of "honesty" was clearly for the stupid. s/he always offered her "situation" as proof, no one was to be trusted, ever. Except for her of course.

s/he loved Us. s/he bragged everyday; "I keep yo' black muthafucking assholes open!" My LORD, MY LORD!  My "mother" normalized Terror! Incest! Pedophilia! Lying! "Working Roots".

Did the whore live too long? Why did s/he preach and SERVE satan? Was s/he confused? Or was s/he clever? Would I have ever figured her out without the advent of *rump? Thanks be to GOD, that low, immoral, sick, sadistic, savage, mongrel monstrosity,  of a malignant narcissist , snatched my blinders off.

martha's foul, evil, double personalities can now be believed,  perhaps understood!



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