BEAMING! RESCUED! Marked from safe from what had to be one of the lowest, commonest perverts, that ever slithered on this good Earth!
Yes, I'm BEAMING, Twerking, on that dead , unrepentant, IMMORAL, Volunteer , INCESTUOUS, Murderous, demon possessed, dead SLUT's grave!
Any one still dumb enough to believe GOD, OUR GOD, your god, any god, any Supernatural power, forbids using foul language, your dumb ass deserves to suffer. The HOLYSPIRIT is Not some kind of school marm. The HOLY SPIRIT does Not punish anyone for using "vulgar" or harsh language..
As a matter of fact, My GOD does Not punish anyone , at All, EVER. If such a GOD existed, how and why are all these Mongrels, these demon possessed creatures, these m a gg OTS, still flourishing? Why are innocent people being mowed down by the thousands, millions?
Because they "Dumbed" US up! The low life scum, like my "birthER" , are devious enough to Cherry pick the Bible , in order to pick your pocket. My old lazy "mother" was Not about to hit a lick! No! No! No! , white ass mathyjane realiazed early in life s/he possessed charisma, beauty and brains. Why pick Cotton when s/he could sell pussy? Only problem the low whore kept getting preganant and no decent man would ever marry her.
Thus, s/he turned to Conjure, Graveyard dirt and THE LOST BOOK OF MOSES. Did s/he win? Hell NO! But , feel free to honor that piece of shit, I won't and no one can make me. Any religion demanding, claiming I have to forgive that MOnster, can kiss my Black ass!
Why did Jesus tell Us to shun the very presence of evil? They are too much, too many! Flee! Run!
Live your Life. Never trust a liar! I don't care how beautiful the bitch is! I sure don't care how white her skin is! Or how straight her hair.
Save yourself!
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