Dear Friend, Welcome! Thank You for taking a few moments to read My blog. Thank You for pausing long enough to "make believe" Our World is indeed a "Caring Place".
Yes, I'm obviously a very confused , fucked up person. A wo/man, a once fierce fighter, that lost her fight in the War against Ignorance, Hate, Depravity and Pathological lying.
Yes, I lost My fight against White Supremacy.
I'm A mere wo/man always hated and rejected by every one, except My GrandFAYHER. My GranDADDY!
Dear LORD, Thank You so much. World, My grandfather was (Je) ROME WALTERS ! Every good thing about Me, about My life , I can attribute to him. For that, I'm humbled. Sure, satan is angry! RAGING! All those sick things that low succubus for satan , did to Me, to Us, for Eighty-Eight years, have come to naught.
The low, unrepentant ordained pastor/root worker, demanded that I not piss on her grave when s/he was dead BECAUSE I WANTED SOME SYMPATHY! THE LOW WHORE FOR SATAN VICIOUSLY RAPED ME WHEN I WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD!
That wo/man, that closet Bulldagger, that martha jane walters, that Madame Watson, Madame Rico, Martha Jean, Martha Jane, Janie, who ever the bitch was, deserved a Shotgun blast to the back of her sick, demented, perverted Carnium , by the time s/he was thirteen years old.
My LORD! MYLORD! mathy jane, the little white , red header nigger winch was smashing puppies between bricks as a small child!
What the FUCK!?
On and On! Don't worry about IT! Those that are persecuted, deeply deceived , rejected, abused, deliberately left out, shall be Redeemed and they shall REJOICE!
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