AWESOME x Three!
Feeling Great! Straight over the Moon. I'm deeply humbled. Chosen! Dear Children of the Most High GOD make sure you know there is "NO GOD". By that I mean no bearded cruel white man sitting up in the sky watching every move, counting every hair on the heads of eight billion people.
There is certainly no white patriarch still mad with some Brown man that laughed at his drunken father (Abraham) . Marlarcky!!! Even if that parable was a true story, the shit happened over five thousand years ago.
Let IT GO! That's what you "Good Christians" have told me for over Seventy YEARS when IT comes to My Nasty, Smutty, Slutty, THOT of a birthER!
If I'm supossed to take martha jane walters hodges doster watson lamoureaux's filth to My grave, as that whore Demanded, IT won't happen!
Number one; I AM NOT ASHAMED!!! If anyone should be ashamed , it's that low slut! That dumb ass dead bitch! A 'hoe so dumb, do depraved, so deplorable, so insecure, so jealous and envious, s/he taught herself Voodoo and Conjure . Unfortunately s/he was always a Pervert, an Incestuous Pedophile, so s/he found it very necessary to use "voodoo" and conjure to block the blessings of the Righteous.
IT's Alright! I'm sitting out here under a beautiful California Blue Sky, HAPPY! Celebrating! Thank You LORD for permitting Me enough time to see how WONDERFUL You are!
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