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Every Beat of My Heart by Gladys Knight & the Pips 1961

NEVER LIE! When caught in a lie,  have sense enough to repent, IMMEDIATELY! 

Please never use the personal trauma your "loved one" shared with you,  in complete confidence,  as a weapon. "Don't do that daughter."

That is all Rome Walters would say to his Sick, Psychotic, Sadistic, Demon possessed, violent, extremely ignorant,  daughter.

I have come to learn why. "mathy jane" fully intended to "cut the muthafucking fool",  when or if, somebody, anyone,  was ever foolish enough to "try her". 

 Say something to that whore, that monster, prepare to get salivated, beat up, brutalized, lied on, conjured, stalked, starved, left out, put out, ridiculed , for the rest of your life.  No, trying to correct or even communicate with evil mathy wasn't worth.  Take your like, do your best to avoid the bitch.

(Did you have to play along? If you wanted to get along)

I get IT. The life of an Incestuous/Pedophile/Root Worker, must be kept Top Secret. How dare anyone bring shame on the name of that closet monster?  After all s/he was so good looking? Funny! Miss good time mathy was never to be told on or revealed.

We were all sworn to secrecy. "Don't nun of you Black muthafuckers, eva tell a muthafuckin' thang 'bout what  go on in dis house!"
Just  like Mister,  in TheColor Purple, mathy knowed when her mailbox been "messed wid". You would be glad to get away with your life. (LOL)

We learned early, as small children, just Fuck IT!Ain't nobody gon' help us.  We were too Black.  Yes, we were all Bastards! No daddies,  no damn where! Why? Would you remain with that albatross? Would you leave your innocent children, though?

 There was no winning with that conniving bitch. None. You were hers FOREVER! The slut did burn or brand all of Us (accidentally). Yes, s/he was damn sure a terrorists,  a stalker, a blessing blocker, satan's side piece.

Wait, s/he had another side, s/he was definitely a comedianne. Jokes just rolled off her tongue,rapid fire. I should say, "roasts" rolled off of her tongue.

 Spend a day with mathy, madame watson, madame rico, what ever alias s/he chose that day, it was all fun! Party central.
While martha was quite attractive, charming when s/he wanted to be, s/he had an extremely dark side. 

I must tell IT! I AM COMPELLED BY THE HOLY GHOST! I must share certain events, that occurred in my life, the life of  martha jane walters  , my brothers, HORROR deliberately forced upon Us,  her family, her friends, acquaintances. for no reason at all. 

World, a very stupid wo/man came to this world, REFUSED to ever listen! Refused admonishment. Was a pervert, a deep creep. (From such stay away!)

martha jane walters! Bow down! You will not mock Me from your stanking grave, Bitch!  You dead  Whore!

NEVER DO ANYTHING YOU WOULD BE ASHAMED TO ADMIT YOU DID!  You did IT! Now own up to IT! Don't continue to beat and bludgeon your poor victims from your dead ass, unrepentant grave.

Enough is enough muthafucker!  Because you believe you have taught all of  Us well. NO BODY ON THIS EARTH , BETTER EVER TRY TO CORRECT YOU! NOTHING IS YOUR FAULT! (If you really love me, you will always let me have my way.  That is to  act like an immature,  bratty monster. Never hurt your little white feelings,  telling you the honest truth)

Still BEAMING!!!


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