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Marion Williams - Holy Ghost Don't Leave Me

If there is ONE lie in IT, GOD/The HOLY GHOST,  is Not in IT! 

Yes LORD, You are still AWESOME! Like the Phonix, I rose from my own ashes! Mercy! 

LORD, I'm so proud to be prostrate, laid bare upon your alter, on my bended knees, thanking you for YOUR GRACE AND MERCY!
Proclaiming My Deliverance!

No, I never could have made IT without GOD on my side. Yes! I'm BEAMING! GLOWING! Head held high! "Bloody but unbowed".  Yes! I am Rejoicing! I AM REDEEMED!



To the shagrine of many, I AM NOT UTTERLY DESTROYED! I am the happiest I've ever been in my life.  As a matter of fact, I Blog to brag!

I'm so proud of GOD/The HOLYSPIRIT that taught  My heart to pray, to sing, to know there is a better day coming.

Scoff if you want to, I know the power of prayer! The Power, that mysterious Wonder Working Power, that has kept and sustained Me for Seventy-two Years!

Yes World, I'm  "Ms D The Run Away Teacher", I am a Force to be reconned with. I'm Anointed! Don't get envious and jealous of my gifts. Don't snear, make snide remarks, then claim I'm too sensitive.

Don't stalk me with fear, terror, screams, knowing full well I'm easily trigged by the memory of mathy jane, that Succubus, that birthed Me.

You know that stanking "high yalla" prostitute/high priestess, used to deliberate torment me. The bitch RAPED Me when I was eight years old! How low and immoral can one hue-man being go? Cloaking! Living in secret! Some how finding satisfaction in someone else's pain.  Why? Are you in pain? Is this some kind of pecking order?

(Flashback) [The shank walked around wearing nothing but a paddied bra, a half slip, sipping ninety proof Bourdon from her Texas Fifth. Long ashes still clinging to her Virginia Slims.
Highball with ice in one hand, a wagging finger in my face, calling me foul names,  SCREAMING :"Miss Rich Bitch! I hate all you Black Ass Bastards! on and on. It was horror unleashed but, I have not only Survived! I am proud to say I have thrived.]

No, I'm not jealous, highly confused, however. Foolish Me, I always thought you were my "Boon". I loved the way you re-enacted, roasted  St.Paul on the long ride home from church every Sunday. 
Those are still cherished memories for me.

You know full well My history. You know I shared My entire life with you.  You also know, I spent , (perhaps far too much time writing). This must be the point I lost you. Did I work too many hours? I'm so sorry that I left you alone, friendless with nothing but Television.  Baby I had to work. Rent was high! Food, gas! No, I didn't get Child Support.
I do have to laugh a little. Trauma begets trauma. My heart is bleeding right now, knowing My deep naivety caused you so much unexpressed, repressed pain.

Darling, I was just trying to write Our way out of the "Top of the Bottom".  Plus, that is who and what I am. a WRITER!

All I know, I sure had an absolute ball with you "play acting".  You were terrific! At four years old you could mimic! Every character I created, you spontaneously retorted with a "voice" and a  personality.  A personality you made up in your little four year old mind. Chracters with "tude".  Wow! I was always blown away. 

You made me read to you every night. It was wonderful. Tired of reading the same books, The Bernstein Bears, Green Eggs and Ham, etc, I started making up stories in order for "Us" to go to sleep in that kingsize bed on Gaston street.

Was I wrong to automatically assume that when you were elevated as a "Writer", I would be right there,  along with you? Welcomed? Championed? Honored! Well spoken of.  Mentioned when receiving platitudes.
Have I been silently hurting all these years? I must admit I've cried a lot of tears, mystified.

The thing though, when has anyone that loves to lie and bully, keep up drama , and mess, every loved me? True love is peaceful, warm, trustful. True love is not forced. True love ddoes not instantly jump on the too young, the too elderly, too confused and Blast their souls into utter hell just because the quest for monetry gain escaped them.

Yes, I'm old. slow, fragile, etc. No I don't have two nickels to rub together. No, I don't know my phone number. I have to write down my address and keep it in my purse.

I have cataracts in both eyes. I'M OLD! But, I'm Honest! You will NOT lie to me, then turn around and blast my soul from my body!  No! No! No! Never lie for LIARS! 
"I once was young but,  now I'm old. I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread."

I am the seed of one Righteous man, ROME WALTERS! Thank You! Thank You! LORD.
I just want to honor his great Legacy. I am compelled to spread his wisdom !

(Flash Back) - "Church Girls in the City" was my favorite. We played music as loud as I could blast it ! We were FREE! You brought me your childhood innocence, high energy and an incredible imagination. (Thank You) Baby, you gave Me the childhood that was stolen from Me. I was robbed very early in life. Or was I ? If anything I was made better.

Still BEAMING!!!
"Apart from Christ, We are Nothing"
"Didn't come here to stay always"- Rome Walters\


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