AWESOME times three! I'm LEAPING over the Moon , GOD! Humbled! While prostrate with grief and pain , too excruciating for any mere mortal to endure without "medication".
Thank You for "WEED" LORD! Thank you for the sweet necture of that tiny little plant. Thank You for the zillion tender mercies, the Grace You have always bestowed upon Me!
Thank You for choosing Me LORD!
Yes, My head is still up. My Glow, My Aura still strong! Yes I'm still BEAMING!
Glowing, the proud remnant of a noble Man, a righteous, a true Christ Lover . A wise sage, a Southern gentleman that did not consider it robbery to love me.
World! My GrandDDADDY not only taught Me about The Holy Spirit. He taught Me to always be TRUTHFUL, to never LIE!
All lies stem from fear. All lies grow. All lies demean you as they rot and fester inside of you. The place where true love longs to be.
There is a Solution. "Come ye out from among them."
REJOICE instead!
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