Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for another "Beautiful, Blood bought" day.
Yes! I do truly Thank You! Yes! I am deeply grateful, My most merciful (Mother/Father ) Great Creator.
Yes, these beautiful seventy-two plus years , have been "Hard Fought". I have enjoyed some wonderful times, met some of the greatest people. Yes! I count my Life AWESOME!
IT is true , the evildoers, the predatory imps and pimps are "plentious", they are Not You Father. There is No kindness in them. Behind their eyes exist nothing but, deceit. Never Trust them! They have Not one good intention for you. They never did, never shall.
No, they have no power, none. Plenty of rudeness, rebuke, hidden behind "smiles". Pearly whites, that turn into dangerous, blood thirsty fangs, with the slightest provocation.
Still, don't fear them. Don't even shake your head. What did Jesus tell You? "Shun the very presence of evil!".
Of course the evil, cold hearted Bully, shall bully the weakest, the oldest, the youngest, the smallest, and most confused. Wait...only for as long as GOD permits. Yes, the evildoers, the blind sheep, the deliberately deaf, and dumb have to move too.
No, you shall never stop them. That is a "Job" for The HOLY GHOST!
Oh Yes! The HOLY GHOST is Real. You can pretend you doubt (HIM). You can be fool enough to spit in GOD's Eye. (If You want to)
You can be foolish enough to slater "love bombs" on your totally, Un-Necessary, deep, unbridled hatred , for the Truth.
You desire to destroy the messenger before you shall entertain any part of GOD's Truth. (Ridiculous!)
Keep On! Keep on Lying! Keep on Denying! Keep on Blessing Blocking ! Just, keep on!
"Time changes all things."- Excerpt from The BOOK OF ROME -Rome Walters
Still BEAMING!!!
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