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Miles Davis Quintet - It Never Entered My Mind

Yes! I'm still here. Still Voicing My TRUTH! Still a survivor of the Saddest, Sickest, Sadistic,  Succubus to ever slither on this good Earth,  for Eight-eight Years.

While"Broke as a Joke", I'm Deliriously Happy because I learned a long time ago, money can not buy My happiness. Yes,  I'm still quite Furious with people vacuous enough ,  to be jealous of Me! To cleverly hate Me, while grinning in My face, pretending to have such great love and affection for Me, knowing full well they Hate Me! Not only daring Me to notice, but, to say something.

Yes! I'm Hot as Fish Grease,  about idiots, imps,  like mjw,  and that "thang".  That wanna be "man" that loves the "Bottom". That "thang" that demands his right to "Swing", to engage in anonymous sex, UNPROTECTED! INFECTED HIS POOR INNOCENT WIFE WITH COUNTLESS DISEASES! Then not only Blamed her but,  proceeded to call her BLACK! FAT!

SCREAMED  to the top of his little,  feeble,  effeminate lungs; "YOU'RE TOO BLACK! I COULD HAVE MARRIED A YALLA WO/MAN!"

Wait World, IT gets Worse! He never had any money! Never earned a degree from anywhere! Attended HBCUs ,  for Eight long years, Turning "tricks",  and lusting after tall, fine, chiseled men, preferably , "Light Skinned".

Damn, We were looking for the same thing,  at the same time. Yes, I fell for Apostle Paul's advice to marry , in order to flee fornication. Apostle Paul, you got that wrong. Maybe five thousand years ago. But, not now, not in these times.

I wanted a BABY! My biological clock was Alarming! I was desperate. I  gladly "latched" on to the nearest, "lame ass" Christian, I could fine.

While he was much too short for my high standards, I was thirty-two,  and this dud, would have to do.

Yes, there were many "Red Flags".  First of all he had no personality, none.  Dry and boring as Dust! I know now why he rarely talked.  Too fucking dumb! The nigga was dumb as Balaam's ass! The dumb ass nigger didn't have anything to talk about. No, he had "no book learning". Just got grades for being high yalla and dressing well, kissing ass , and probably some other sick ass shit,  that didn't involve using his "brain".

This was all due to his blatant,  lack of Intellectual Curiosity,  or growth. He didn't know anything, didn't want to learn anything. Demanded to be a Boss, My Boss, without the accumulated knowledge of a seven year old, Public school pupil.
Nope, not my kind of "man", Never! There was So much he didn't know, had never experienced.  IT was as if he had just walked off of an old Southern Plantation, un-read, un-tutored, un-civilized, another lustful, lying Barbarian, another Menace to Society.

IT was a "slip", a grievous mistake. I knew Immediately. Our "Wedding night" was Tragic! HORRID!!!

Yes, the low , Faggot-Slut , was Angry with Me! Mad as any Ignorant, Barbaric, Primitive, Closet dwelling, Skanky-fied,  Faggot ,  whore!

He talked his stupid greedy, IMMORAL, HOE MO SEXUAL SELF into a "marriage" with a wo/man he only planned to use.

A wo/man he considered a dumb "fish". He  married into a beautiful Home, solid brick! She (the dumb Christian wife),   won IT! She had NO BILLs! No debt, what so ever. Yes! She was very good looking. Stunning! Talented! Gifted! Warm! Caring and Sharing!
The Closet Effeminate , bogus, predatory, fake ass Christian parasite didn't want Me! Praise The LORD!

Of course I didn't understand. Did I ever think I was stuck, tricked? I'm not sure. I was determined to live a "dull, monogamous, Christian Life" , with this man , I prayed I could learn to love.

Not a chance! The stanking whore made IT his business, his first interest, to low rate , and degrade Me, on a daily basis, with the slightest provocation.

While *** was quite slow, poorly educated, he was lighting fast, Blitzkreig with Hot , Stinking, Blood curdling insults. Of course s/he always played stupid, confused, the innocent victim.

   The stanking,  jealous , whore,  was never pleasant, never satisfied. Always Mad, raging, growling. 

 LORD, is this what this mental midget , falsely believed "true masculinity" was? Everything about Me,  made him rage. He was Always  Angry! Raged! Raged! , for no reason! Was always  Critical!  Found nothing in Me but fault. 

Scorn! Belittle! Mock! Laugh at,  and reduce.; that is the way of your closet hater, a loved one you have no idea Hates You Throughly. No! They are never going to admit IT or confess. 

If their victims resist in the slightest, tear up, cry or try to defend themselves, they GET WORSE! They shall  Punish you Severely for objecting, for knowing, who they really are. 

YES, They shall Get worse! Get so horrid, their victims actually want to die.  Yes, they do contemplate suicide. (Yes, they are  extremely sadistic bullies. Hard to catch,  and they shall never stop. Death shall catch them one day, (SMILE)

World, the 'hoe-mo-sexual, not only reduced Me to his maid, I was his ATM. Wait! The stupid slut felt My being with "him" was reward enough. He seriously thought that I should be grateful to carry his "name".

No "boy", you were not worth IT in 1984,  and you sure are not worth anyone deliberately,  sullying their good name, flushing every ounce of Integrity and morals, they ever had, in the toilet,  for you.

Anyone, low, slow,  or so incredibly stupid,  they choose you, satan's representative...I give them to GOD.  Yes GOD, this is definitely a "Must Fix", that only You can handle.

I am not going to be SCREAMED at! Lied to, confused, mocked, rebuked, rejected , then , remain stoic, Silent. Forbidden to flinch.  That stank , hoe,  SUCCUBUS ,  that birthed Me, would beat the dog shit out of Me, Us, then dare Us to cry or tell.

"The 'mo you cry, the less you piss."

Well, If I've learned anything in Seventy-two years, I don't have to be anywhere,  I'm not wanted, not valued, scorned, encouraged to hurry up and die.

I don't have to listen to anyone screaming that I am a Burden. Of course , I'm a Burden! I'm OLD! I have Cataracts, Arthritis, Rhumuatism, High Blood pressure, severe memory loss, Post Traumatic Slave disorder, "can't remember shit", etc.

No, I'm not stupid! Stuck? Maybe. I know I shall never forgive that Mongrel Monstrosity, still too proud to apologize. Still pretending he deserves "Grace". 

I can't give your dumb , illiterate, non-reading, un-teachable, un-coachable, un-reachable, Incorrigible , yalla ,  uncle tomming ass, anything. Not even My pity.

We all have Free Will. You wasted yours on Lust. Lust for power. Lust for Terror! You are the low whore that demands to spit in GOD's Eye for Free. No can do.  IT can't be done.

Sure, you can keep right on, hate the messenger for bringing you the Message , you Chose to never hear.

 Thank You for permitting Me to Vent , LORD!

Still Beaming!!!


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