(Picture Me, Us, a truly Happy Family, speeding up the Highway, all too excited about "Keeping Up Tradition.)
It is Snowing! Beautiful White, soft fluffy Snow. No, not really a lot, just enough to be Beautiful. "White Diamonds", floating gently from Heaven.
We will be there soon. Couldn't "Fly". I always had to drive. Plane fare was rarely in my "Budget". For Twenty nine, of My hard fought , Thirty Year Bid, "Spring Break" meant; Take Your Black Ass Home, and Clean Up, Clean Out and Organize.
So, why didn't I have a "boy friend", a husband , a spouse, a partner? Can't "Stand'um"! Not only am I "ASexual", I'm quick to DEFEND MYSELF! I WILL FUCK YOU, THE FUCK UP, IF I THINK YOU NEED IT!
Plus, the "Season was Dry". How could I know Atlanta was the "Gay Mecca"? Yes, I did observe all of those men (hundreds), wearing "hot pants", and halter tops, on the Atlanta University and Morehouse Campus. But, dumb Me, remained Clueless.
No, I'm not upset. If I had to be with some man, or some wo/man, to secure passage, on a plane, to go any where, no thanks. Not someone I did not and could not like. Thus, My "problem"; I HATE STUPID PEOPLE! No, not all stupid people, just the one's that have the Audacity to challenge Me! Deaf, dumb, blind RACIST imps!
I watched my poor , stupid "mother", prostitute herself, much too long. The Incorrigible, Succubus clung to evil, and predatory living, for Eighty-eight Years. WHILE PREACHING! No way! There is not enough liquor, weed, or heron, to make me "bed wid dem triggers".
Ladies, if you can , do (marry , or keep house). If you can't, if you can't "get IT up", remain single. Stop making other people Miserable. Above all, Never permit Yourself to be miserable.
Yes, miserable. That has to be the reason why all "fake Ass People " are pure Kill JOYs.
Keep Your JOY!
Still BEAMING!!!
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